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A Dance with Dragons | George R. R. Martin
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Gilly comes to see Jon, he talks to her about Dalla &Mance‘s son. She begs Jon to save him, he says he can‘t but that SHE can. She cries that she will take both, but Jon says that won‘t work. He promises if Dalla‘s boy burns, her son will die too
He speaks with Sam, Sam &Aemon are being sent South as well while he repeats a mantra inspired by Aemon
He commands Slynt to Greyguard where wildlings climbed the Wall. Slynt refuses. Jon takes his head.

5feet.of.fury I really don‘t know what I thought could have been achieved with this chapter, but I expected more than this. 17h
majkia Well, rehashing events that have already happened and explaining about the switch of the babies in case someone missed that, I guess. 17h
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5feet.of.fury @majkia when we found out about the babies I was like “I‘m sure Jon has some plan to protect the baby, or some reason he felt forced” but clearly he does not, he did it because Maester Aemon told him to “let the man be born” …that wasn‘t really enough for me lol 16h
majkia @5feet.of.fury He was taking away Stannis's opportunity to burn someone with royal blood. Mance, the baby's father, apparently would be considered royal. 16h
5feet.of.fury @majkia I know but if they think Gilly‘s baby is Mance‘s baby… it doesn‘t stop Melisandre 🫤 I am CONCERNED 16h
BethM @5feet.of.fury his little speech to Gilly made me feel like he‘ll be all gotcha! If they try to burn the kid. Also the kid is sickly, it may not live anyway. I for one was cheering at the end of this chapter. Off with his head! 3h
Sargar114 @BethM the end was great! And it honored Ned in a way, so I was good with it. The rehashing of the convo with Sam seemed unnecessary but I‘m glad we got the conversation with Gilly even though we already knew what happened, at least it was different. @5feet.of.fury I think the idea is Jon will let em know it‘s not Mance‘s kid by the time it gets to the burning part 🤷🏼‍♀️ 2h
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A Dance with Dragons | George R. R. Martin
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After a wolf dream, he goes to meet Stannis. Stark bannermen hesitate to join Stannis &he is furious after a rejection from Lyanna Mormont. Jon wonders if they would have joined Jon Stark, Lord of Winterfell but it‘s too late now. Jon explains that Mance‘s baby won‘t be king, wildlings don‘t have lines of succession. Tension rises when Jon refuses to give Stannis the forts. Melisandre relays her vague prophecies of Jon‘s fate, daggers in the dark.

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A Storm of Swords | George R. R. Martin
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Jon gets bashed on the head &has a delirious memory of playing with Robb as children pretending to be knights -where Robb said that Jon couldn‘t be Lord of Winterfell
He wrestles with Stannis‘s offer, considers the life he could make at Winterfell. But then he thinks about eating deer &realizes Ghost is nearby
They go for dinner, Stannis has decreed that no one will eat or leave until the vote is final. Jon is surprised his name is put up…

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A Storm of Swords | George R. R. Martin
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Jon is training in the yard when Melisandre comes to see him. Stannis wants to see him on the Wall
Stannis believes Jon easily, but he has his own agenda, Stannis needs a loyal Lord of Winterfell. A decree can legitimize him, but he‘s still a man of the Nights Watch
To claim his father‘s castle he must turn against his father‘s gods.
&wed Val the wildling princess.
Stannis gives him time to consider

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A Storm of Swords | George R. R. Martin
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Mance wants to parley, obviously Mance will know Jon betrayed him. Jon is not being sent to talk, but to kill. No choice, he goes
Tormund meets him,they share wine &stories of the ones lost here
Mance has the Horn of Winter, he doesn‘t fear the Watch but the Others. If the Wall falls, what will stop the Others? Let them pass through the gate or the Horn will be sounded in 3 days
While they talk, rangers emerge from the wood, The King has come

majkia Poor Jon. No matter what he does.... 3mo
5feet.of.fury @majkia this plot line is killing me 💔 I love Jon, I don‘t even know what I wanted to happen, don‘t even know who else to root for. Should have stayed in the cave with Ygritte. 3mo
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Roary47 I hope Ghost shows up. That would give at least some hope. 3mo
BooksNBowls @5feet.of.fury I feel the same way! It‘s been so chaotic for him! 3mo
BethM @Roary47 agreed! 3mo
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A Storm of Swords | George R. R. Martin
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the Wall has been batting Mance nonstop, many dead, all exhausted, resources depleted. Watching for Mance‘s “turtle”, which would give wildlings cover to attack the gate again.They destroy it with boulders
Safe for the day, Jon goes to finally rest. When he awakes he is being questioned for oathbreaking by Janos Slynt &Allister Thorne with Rattleshirt as witness. He admits to breaking his vow with Ygritte,but nothing else. They order him locked up

Roary47 There couldn‘t have been another time for this? He‘s fighting with you and you are in a hairy situation. 🤷‍♀️ Priorities I guess. 🤣 3mo
5feet.of.fury @Roary47 right? Wanna help with the wildlings or just nurse your pointless grudge against the Starks ? 🤪 3mo
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A Storm of Swords | George R. R. Martin
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Mance, with giants & mammoths, come to take the gate. Jon is left in command of the Wall (still wounded) while Noye guards the gate. They fight through darkness. Dawn breaks, Jon gives command to take out the giants & the ram. Their only hope is to hold the gate. Attacking the mammoths next, who flee, crushing the wildlings. The battle won, Jon goes to check the gate. All the Brothers there were killed by Mag the Mighty. Jon must lead

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A Storm of Swords | George R. R. Martin
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Wildlings are coming for Castle Black. Jon is still injured. He wonders where Ghost is. &Ygritte even though he tries not to think of her. The wildings come at night, the night‘s watch pick them off with arrows, but the wildlings start setting everything ablaze. They battle &burn the barricade trapping the wildlings. The Wall defended, Jon goes to look for Ygritte..

5feet.of.fury “We should have stayed in the cave” 😭 3mo
majkia @5feet.of.fury Indeed 3mo
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Bklover @5feet.of.fury. Boy, no kidding! This Jon seems a bit more brutal than tv Jon. And poor Ygritte- “you know nothing Jon Snow” 3mo
5feet.of.fury @majkia @Bklover we‘ve been through a lot this week in Westeros …but this one 💔 3mo
BooksNBowls @Bklover it‘s one of my favorite lines from the show! You know nothing, Jon Snow! 3mo
Roary47 💔 I hope this coming week gives us a lot less heartache. 😭😭😭 3mo
5feet.of.fury @BooksNBowls I love her, sassy til the end! @Roary47 I hope so 😩 3mo
BethM Wow just anxiety filled the whole chapter. I must say I liked tv better here, I feel like they gave her a better end. 3mo
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A Storm of Swords | George R. R. Martin
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Ygritte asks him about the tower, impressed. Still under scrutiny he doesn‘t know how to get to Castle Black first
Jon knows about the pathway,asks Ygritte to come but Magnar calls on him first to kill the lone rider who came before them. Jon knows that the old man is dead anyway but he refuses saying freefolk &dont take orders. Ygritte does it
Before the men can turn on Jon they are attacked by a wolf. In the chaos Jon steals a horse &races off

5feet.of.fury Obviously there‘s so much context from the previous chapter but I was RIVETED 4mo
majkia So close.... 4mo
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Sargar114 @majkia SO CLOSE!!! 4mo
BethM So close! Ugh I hate near misses! 4mo
5feet.of.fury @BethM we got some instant gratification for the cliff hanger switching from Bran‘s POV to Jon‘s right away. 4mo
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A Storm of Swords | George R. R. Martin
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They reach the Wall &Jon considers his fate, will he abandon Ygritte, his duty? he wishes they could go back to the cave. The wildlings begin to scale the Wall, as the men ascend a chunk of the Wall breaks off, sending them falling but a second team makes it &drops the ladders for the rest. Jon comforts Ygritte who seems to be shaken from the climb, but she says she‘s upset they never found the Horn of Joramun to bring this cold thing down

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