4,000 wildlings will come through the wall today. As hostages come through, Jon takes Tormunds son Dryn as his page. Jon says the Horn of Joramun was burned, Tormund says they never found the real horn
Wildlings ring their camps with fire to keep back the Others. They get everyone through by nightfall.
He gets a letter from Cotter Pyke at Hardhome, Braavosi would only take women &chdren, he is stranded, “dead things in the wood and the water”
Ghost is locked away due to the skinchanger‘s boar, highly agitated
He‘s run out of people to give him counsel who don‘t have an agenda.
They move Cregan Karstark from his cell, the dead men have stayed dead. 7mo
Wun Wun has killed a knight, Melisandre‘s prophecy unfolds. He calls for Ghost -still locked away - &feels the Cold. 7mo