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Trill to Me Sweetly | Charlie Richards

I just wanted to let people know there‘s #gargoylesex too (the series appears to have some shifter action but is mostly gargoyle). Just doing my civic duty. Happy Christmas!

DGRachel Of course there is! 😂🤣😂🤣 7y
OrangeMooseReads I think I might have to delve into the #unicornsex before I get to the #gargoylesex 7y
ReadingsByTheC 😂😂😂 There is truly a lid for every pot! 7y
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jpmcwisemorgan @OrangeMooseReads #unicornsex? Where did you find that? Is it a Tingle book? Is it like #centaursex? @ReadingsByTheC Apparently there is. I had no idea... 7y
jpmcwisemorgan @DGRachel There‘s some squickiness with a tail in one of the books... it was vaguely #tentacleporn 7y
WarpedSweetness Gargoyle sex? Centaur sex? I'm missing so much. I'm still trying to get through #dinoporn lol 7y
Zelma Gargoyles? 😳😱🤨😂 #LitsyAfterDark 7y
Tera66 Is it ok that this makes me WANT to read the book?🤓 7y
OrangeMooseReads @jpmcwisemorgan yes Tingle books, at least I assume #unicornsex since the unicorns are on the cover like the dinos are. And there was a story at the end of the Space Invasion trilogy 7y
GlassAsDiamonds You really need to put a spoiler warning on these posts - I was drinking that time. Now the cat is soggy and giving me filthy looks because I am unrepentantly laughing 😂 😂😂😂 7y
DGRachel @GlassAsDiamonds 🤣🤣🤣 7y
jpmcwisemorgan @GlassAsDiamonds It‘s how #FreakyFriendsForever roll, though! 😉 7y
jpmcwisemorgan @Tera66 Join the club! 7y
cleoh Important announcements on Litsy 😂 7y
jpmcwisemorgan @cleoh You know, we should have an announcement option. 7y
cleoh @jpmcwisemorgan or at least start a hashtag #litsyannouncement 7y
jpmcwisemorgan @cleoh Excellent idea! 7y
TricksyTails Why am I not surprised? 😆 Did you ever watch the cartoon Gargoyles? 7y
jpmcwisemorgan @TricksyTails I think I‘ve seen an episode or two! 7y
TricksyTails I love that cartoon! As naughty as I feel looking at dinosaurs now, I couldn't ruin the image of gargoyles too! (edited) 7y
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