It‘s my policy to buy any DWJ book that is new to me… imagine my surprise when I found two copies of the same book on my bookshelf 😜 they give off such different vibes that it didn‘t at all register as a book I already had (I‘ve since read it)
It‘s my policy to buy any DWJ book that is new to me… imagine my surprise when I found two copies of the same book on my bookshelf 😜 they give off such different vibes that it didn‘t at all register as a book I already had (I‘ve since read it)
Here are some fantasy possibilities for #LMPBC!! Deep Secret and Shadows would actually be rereads for me but it has been years since I read them and they have both been on my "need to reread" list forever!! The others are random ones from my TBR. I can also come up with more if none of these appeal!!
@HOTPock3tt @Chrissyreadit @Laughterhp
Two wrenching deaths in Chapter One alone and I'm weeping. Thanks a bunch, Jones.
I‘ve had this book on my shelf for a long time, reluctant to read it because it would bring me closer to having read all of DWJ books. So it might be partially my high expectations or the fact that large parts of this book occur on Earth and that fax machines get mentioned a lot... but it took me ages to get hooked - but I got there!
D is for Deep Secret
Tbh, I think I have another copy on my shelf somewhere cause every time I come across it I think ‘oooh, I don‘t have this‘ 😂
Flick, flick, flick!
Heh. I was in a mood for a comfort read, and this old favorite has fit the bill perfectly.
I think it's time to break DWJ book out of my emergency stash...
Today's prompt makes me realize that most of the #somethingmagical books I've read and loved, I checked out from the library ... but, Diana Wynne Jones wrote quite a few of them! (Good thing I found this at the book sale this weekend.) #riotgrams
For #17booklove, here are my DWJ books showcasing an author I love. I own more books by her than anyone else. Not pictured: the other two Dalemark books because they wouldn't fit and Howl's Moving Castle because my daughter has it in her room.
I'm to page 92 but I don't know if I should continue. I can't make heads or tails of the story. Help me Litsians. Does this one ever make sense?!