p. 232: 'The fact that all were at rest after the working week in a spiritual and social environment may ... have been a source of comfort.'
p. 232: 'The fact that all were at rest after the working week in a spiritual and social environment may ... have been a source of comfort.'
1. Best French toast hunt continues! This one was apple-streusel cinnamon-swirl and it was amazing. Cream cheese frosting put it over the top.
2. Son called from beach house in Belize where he‘s having a blast with 10 friends.
3. Friend gifted me book about 100 daring Jewish women.
4. 2 Queen Bees!
5. Lunch with daughter who has turned into an incredible adult, seemingly overnite.
#5JoysFriday @DebinHawaii
Saturday is homework and fika.
(Revised statement from previous version of entry: apparently reading books now.)
Random book from our home library:
📖 Fabulous Feasts: Medieval Cookery and Ceremony by Madeleiene Pelner Cosman
March #bookspin list! The Nebula shortlist should be announced mid-month so I've saved a good chunk of my list for that. My library hold on the new Ali Hazelwood should also come in. Other than that, it's mostly books I'm in the middle of, so hopefully I'll be able to make good progress on this list!
Thanks @thearomaofbooks 🙂
"This suggests why France played such an important role in the medieval period, in the agricultural and industrial revolutions. Her population was nearly one-third that of the whole of Europe."
If any of you don‘t know, @catiewithac is the most generous Litten. Thanks so much for this birthday package. It felt comforting/distracting after a terrible inaugural week. It was fun to open up every little thing - and I loved that the puzzle was from NPR/Invisibilia 😊. Lastly - great wrapping! (For those who can‘t see the little glass vial is matchsticks and says Burn Candles, Not Books)
I am 37 (and have been for several years now) and Saturday was my 37th birthday (again). Imagine my confusion when all my cards, balloons, banners etc had the number 50 on!!! I didn't point out people's mistake as I didn't want to cause a fuss, but really!!! 50! Me! How rude! 😉
Birthday books! I have to wait a while for my new Kindle as I desperately wanted the pink one & it's out of stock. But I can wait because apparently I'm a grown-up now 😂
This translation was, at times, both easier and more difficult than others I have read.
p. 14
'Then they showed forth the shield, that shone all red,
With the pentangle portrayed in purest gold.
About his broad neck by the baldric he casts it,
That was meet for the man, and matched him well.
For it is a figure formed of five points,
And each line is linked and locked with the next
For ever and ever, and hence it is called
In England, as I hear, the endless knot.'