I loved the days when we all rooted for the underdog. Korman is a fantastic writer of friendship tales and this is no different.
Great middle grade adventure series starter. It ends on a cliff hanger. TW: it involves a bakery.
Still haven‘t read this but there is a book 2 and I 💗 Dan Santat‘s work so I think I will love this…
Un libro trovato per caso in un book crossing, dove è raro trovare qualcosa di valido, raro ma non impossibile. Questo libro l'ho trovato molto toccante, con delle descrizioni tenere e malinconiche ma dettagliate che sono state come delle carezze e hanno facilitato a immaginare e sentire. Succede tanto e niente allo stesso tempo, ma non importa perché in questa storia guidano le sensazioni più che i fatti.
This was quite fun! I never connected as much as I hoped I would, but I still appreciate the adventure, camaraderie, and silliness.
Arnie Yashenko, 8th grader, has all the panache of a modern #superhero. He‘s tall, quick, agile, good student, good at any sport he tries, not to mention already plays on a high school football team. Korman‘s new book is clever and amusing, published this year.
Quirky story about a man who tries to find his way in the world after his mother dies. Soft pick. #sundayfunday
Not really a coincidence that the movie is on TV right now, but it is a surprise to read these words: "Almost every moment of her life she lives in the moment where she is. It's like the guy in Memento. It's like every day is Groundhog day."
Identifying with the author as she's looking at ways to maintain her own brain health by reading, writing, and relearning math. Tagged another of her books as this one is not in the database. #groundhogday