#MOvember George Orwell penned the perfect allegory about #HumanNature 🐷I think I #NeedToReRead
#MOvember George Orwell penned the perfect allegory about #HumanNature 🐷I think I #NeedToReRead
Holy shit. This show. No words. 👏🏼🙊‼️
#speechless #onepisodefour #betterthanicouldhaveimagined #actuallygladicantremembertheplotofthebook #needtoreread
I was wondering if I had any books that were #setonanisland. Then I realized that Montreal IS an island. I know not all of these take place in Montreal, but it's been a while since I've read through them, and Little Man was giving me a run for my money this afternoon. #seasonsreadings2016 #needtoreread