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I 💛 this book so much!! So charming. So refreshing.
#setonanisland #marchinbooks @maich

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Entry Island | Peter May
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Entry Island by Peter May is one of my favourite books #SetOnAnIsland (although some of it also takes place on the Canadian mainland), I would also have to mention Peter May‘s brilliant Lewis Island Trilogy. All of these are cracking reads ❤️ #MarchInBooks #SetOnIsland

rabbitprincess This is my favourite Peter May so far! As a Canadian I strongly approve of his choice of setting 😄 6y
Andrew65 @rabbitprincess I truly loved this book, and don‘t read enough set in Canada. I loved the historical aspect linked to Canada in this one. 6y
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Not a tropical island, but this nonfiction book is set on an island! It's about the countries that came to the U.K. during World War II and how they contributed to defeating Germany. I learned a lot I didn't know. #SetOnAnIsland #MarchinBooks @maich

Andrew65 Love the title! 😂😂😂 6y
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#SetOnAnIsland was an easy prompt for me, as I‘m currently reading this book, set on Guernsey, for #passportLitsy. #MarchinBooks @maich

vivastory I ❤ NYRB. How is this one? 6y
Lcsmcat @vivastory I‘m loving it so far. Ebenezer is a charming character. 6y
maich What is #passportLitsy ? 6y
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Purpleness @maich #passportlitsy is a reading challenge where we have a list of countries and we read a book for each one. 6y
Lcsmcat @Purpleness Thanks! I somehow missed @maich ‘s question. 6y
Purpleness @Lcsmcat No problem! 6y
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My favorite book set on an island!! #setonanisland #marchinbooks @maich

quillable Love this book! 6y
margreads Looking forward to seeing the movie of this one 6y
Andrew65 I love this too! 6y
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Started a new #audiobook this morning. As it happens it is #setonanisland (Britain)and features a disgraced detective giving a #helpinghand in the wake of a bomb blast

#marchintooz #marchinbooks #aussieauthors #awwc

CarolynM I'll be interested to hear what you think of this one 6y
margreads Have you read it @CarolynM 6y
CarolynM Yes, my book group read it last year. 6y
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An Island of Our Own | Sally Nicholls
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Catching up on #seasonsreadings2016 - this isn't exactly #setonanisland, the first few pages suggest, but there are islands in it! #YA #UKYA

Hurricanes in Paradise | Denise Hildreth
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I'm skipping 4,5, and 6 so here's Day 7: #setonanisland. Hurricanes in Paradise is one of my favorite Denise Hildreth books! #seasonsreadins2016

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Gah I'm so behind on #seasonsreadings2016! Isles are super fancy islands, right???? No idea if this is actually #setonanisland... @RealLifeReading

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Anne of Green Gables | L M Montgomery
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This #SeasonsReading2016 is a bit late, but here's my pick for #SetOnAnIsland. Obviously, ANNE OF GREEN GABLES is set on the lovely Prince Edward Island and the natural beauty there is a big part of the narrative. ANNE OF GREEN GABLES will always be one of my favourite books and one I often come back to when I'm sad or stuck sick at home. The book in the picture is the same copy that I've had since I was ten. Has anyone seen the new PBS series?

Suzze It wasn't very good IMHO. Loved the Megan Fellows Anne. 8y
CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian @Suzze Yeah I'm worried I won't like it either. I also love the Megan Follows one! 8y
Suzze @CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian Shoot. Yes, Follows. 8y
BookBabe Such a beautiful photo! 8y
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