This happens all too often! 😱😡
This happens all too often! 😱😡
#MarchIntoOz #SoundsOfThen
A social history of Britain in the mid 90s told through the lens of Britpop - the songs and the musicians. Fascinating.
An excellent account of the infighting between the major participants in the first New LAbour government between 1997 and 2001. The animosity between Blair and Brown was vitriolic even then. Read my Goodreads review at; https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1595181.Servants_of_the_People. #politics #andrewrawnsley #servantsifthepeople #ukpolitics #tonyblair #newlabour #gordonbrown #nonfiction #history
Fascinated by this account of the successes, failures and extraordinarily deep animosities of the first New Labour administration (1997-2001). I am amazed that they achieved anything as so much time and energy were expended pursuing bitter rivalries and grudges within the Cabinet. #andrewrawnsley #servantsofthepeople #ukpolitics #politics #history #newlabour #tonyblair #gordonbrown
A fantastically apposite summation of Robin Cook‘s misjudgement of personal issues while he was Foreign Secretary in Tony Blair‘s New Labour administration. #andrewrawnsley #servantsofthepeole #robincook #hubris #politics #nonfiction #ukpolitics #newlabour #lackofcommonsense #goodmanledastray #history #foreignsecretary
A highly entertaining and engaging account of the last two electoral terms of the New Labour government. Read my Goodreads review at: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/7507318-the-end-of-the-party. #andrewrawnsley #theendoftheparty #politics #britishpolitics #tonyblair #history #britishhistory #gordonbrown #westminster #whitehall #newlabour #biography #journalism #politicaljournalism