So cute! I was really iffy on the beginning and the main girl annoyed me a bit but after a few chapters it really hooked me in 😊
So cute! I was really iffy on the beginning and the main girl annoyed me a bit but after a few chapters it really hooked me in 😊
Ok on to a light hearted (hopefully) romance book to recover from the last book
Ok I am actually sobbing right now- what the heck 😭😭😭😭 so good but Lennie 😭💔 I feel like a FOOL for my last post y‘all were probably laughing away 😭
Someone I babysit for let me borrow his copy - it‘s good so far & I love Lennie
Ok I‘m back to reading finally (knock on wood)
#thecatcherintherye #jdsalinger
On to my first read of The Catcher in the Rye! Tryna get through a few chapters while I‘m at work :)
#jdsalinger #catcherintherye #fiction #classics #classic
Last one of the series!
#thelastolympian #rickriordan #percyjackson
Slowly but surely making my way back through this series ☺️☺️
A friend let me borrow her copy of this for the weekend, time to speed through it!
#acotar #sarahjmaas #fantasy
Am I crazy or is that not right??? 🤨
Just started a new job so I‘m getting through books A LOT slower than normal :(
#thewomaninthewindow #ajfinn #fiction
I‘m on vacation rn and I bought this at a local bookshop :)
#jennyhale #summeratfirflybeach #romance #fiction
So good!! I think it definitely starts off slow but it picks up towards the end. Such an interesting story about rewilding Scotland by introducing wolves back into the ecosystem and a mystery of a dead farmer. Loved Duncan and I‘m not sure if it‘s because I love the character or because I imagined him as Charlie swan 🤷🏼♀️ Would totally recommend!
#oncetherewerewolves #charlottemcconaghy #mystery
BOTM for August is in! Like it so far 😊
#oncetherewerewolves #charlottemcconaghy #botm
A little late but here were my books from July! These are the dates I finished reading them 😊🪴
#julyreads #julybooks
Rereading Looking for Alaska for the first time in years! I am reallllyyy liking it so far ☺️ Good news; just got a new book in the mail so last reread for a sec 💕
#lookingforalaska #johngreen #fiction
Another reread while I wait for new books to come in!! I remember really liking this book- but I‘m nervous it‘s not gonna live up to my memory 😬
#goaskalice #reread
Somehow missed out on posting my reread of Harry Potter #6 but now I‘m on to the final one! -NOT looking forward to the ending 🥲
#reread #harrypotter #deathlyhallows #harrypotterandthedeathluhallows
Finished rereading and still one of my all time favorites!! I really love Charlie and feel like I can relate to him ♥️
#reread #perksofbeingawallflower #stephenchbosky #fiction
On to book 5 of my Harry Potter reread!
#harrypotter #ootp #orderofthepheonix #reread #hpootp #harrypotterandtheorderofthepheonix
Absolutely loving this book so far!!
#themaidens #alexmichaelides #fiction #botm
A nice fantasy book that I genuinely enjoyed reading! Haven‘t read fantasy books in forever so it was a nice change of pace for me. Loved the characters (especially Ciara) and can‘t wait to see where their story goes from here! :)
#daughteroflight #garrettcurbow #newbook #newauthor #fantasy #adventure
So good. The story is incredible and the characters very nicely thought out. So beautifully written and loved the ending. Made me sob like a mess! Recommend this to anyone who hasn‘t read it yet or is on the fence about it :)
#wherethecrawdadssing #recommend #sogood #fiction
“And each time she came to his wharf, she saw her book propped up in the tiny window for all to see. As a father would have shown it.” Oh my goodness I‘m about to sob 😭
Some afternoon reading today
#deliaowens #murdermystery #comingofage #fiction #firstread
Another Harry Potter reread as I wait for new books to come in 🥰
#gobletoffire #harrypotter #reread #sososolongtho #734pageslongtobeexact
Just started - can‘t wait to see what it has to offer! 😊😊
#indecision #firstread #benjaminkunkel #contemporary #comingofage #fiction
Re-reading one of my favorite books! Just as amazing as I remember it 😊
#percyjackson #thelightningthief #rickriordan #fantasy #fiction #reread