#DaysDevotedTo #Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving Litsy fam 🤎🧡🤎
#DaysDevotedTo #Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving Litsy fam 🤎🧡🤎
May your Thanksgiving weekend be full of good food, kind friends or family, and some uninterrupted reading time!
Use this book to help students imagine life as a colonial settler by writing their own diary entries.
Remember Patience Whipple writes about her journey on the Mayflower and life in the Plymouth Colony.
“Now the time had come for the ships to start on the great adventure.“
This story seems to be historically accurate and has beautiful illustrations of events that led to the first thanksgiving. Great book for children to understand why we celebrate thanksgiving.
This is a great history book story to read to young children. This book is set up in five chapters so if used in a primary classroom, it may be best to read over the span of a few days. Overall, it's a great story of the pilgrims travels to first arriving and their journeys leading up to the first thanksgiving.