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Harry Potter: fun book | J.K. Rowling
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I'm so far Ravenclaw it's not even funny.

When I first got sorted to Ravenclaw I was sad that I wasn't in Gryffindor (because of my ginger hair and all my ginger friends were in Gryffindor), but then all my friends from grad school were in Ravenclaw, so I learned to love it.


#ravenclaw #ravenclawforlife #proudravenclaw #ravendor #ginger #gingerproblems #gingerwithabrain

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#Ravendor? Is that a thing?

Riveted_Reader_Melissa I've seen some #Ravendors floating around on Litsy 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @OceanCityMama Defintely! It's a popular one on Litsy it seems. 8y
OceanCityMama @Riveted_Reader_Melissa Litsy does seem like it would appeal to Ravenclaw and an adventurous social Gryffindor almost specifically 😋 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @OceanCityMama Yea... I'm thinking it's the main house of Litsians...Littens. 8y
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In the middle of the night when my arm could no longer hold up a book (#hpchapteraday no less!) and yet I could not sleep, I retook the buzzfeed house quiz...
Increased my Ravenclawness (and my Slytherin-ness!) a tad. I guess mood and time of day can bring out certain traits 😉
#Ravendors (with a side of Slytherin) unite!

OceanCityMama ✊🏽 Solidarity, my fellow #Ravendor! 8y
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Jumping on the bandwagon (after finally figuring out how to get the Hogwarts frames on FB - yes I'm slow). Pottermore sorted me into Ravenclaw and Buzzfeed put me into Gryffindor. #Ravenclaw #Gryffindor #Ravendor? #Gryffinclaw? #HogwartsHouses

BethM The pottermore one was designed by JK herself :) 8y
maximoffs You look fantastic in this photo! And yes the Pottermore one is typically considered the most accurate. Are you joining us for #hpchapteraday? 8y
stacybmartin @bethm I definitely feel more Ravenclaw than Gryffindor so I'm just gonna go with that! 8y
stacybmartin @steverogers thank you so much - you just made my day! 💜 And yep, I'm planning on reading my illustrated edition with my son later tonight! 8y
BethM Yay! @stacybmartin I thought I was a Gryffindor and then when I came out Ravenclaw twice and actually thought about it, it made the most sense :) 8y
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