Time to relax & finish this book... It is soooo beautiful outside...Happy Reading Peeps...
#jojomoyes #thepeacockemporium #readingtime📖 #readingismagic #bookswag #bookporn #bookstagram #readingismyescape
Time to relax & finish this book... It is soooo beautiful outside...Happy Reading Peeps...
#jojomoyes #thepeacockemporium #readingtime📖 #readingismagic #bookswag #bookporn #bookstagram #readingismyescape
Started this gem last night when my eyes wouldn‘t shut... First time I jump right into another book without finishing one... Only because it‘s an ebook loan from the library & I have eight days to read this gem... Soooo not me but enjoying the first two chapters.... 💜
#internment #samirahmed #readingismagical #bookswag #readingismyescape #bookstagram #bookporn #2019readingchallenge
Finish one, pick up another... Keep the books moving... Hope this one is a page turner like my last one...
#watchingyou #lisajewell #mytherapy #sippingandreading #readingismyescape #readingismagical #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #bookswag #2019readingchallenge
I got book mail... On a rainy Monday after work, this package 📦 brings a big kool-aide smile to my face... Just love all my goodies... My ear head wrap is gorgeous, along with my socks & book sleeve... Thank you @happydahlgirl for all my lovely gifts... It was awesome swapping with you... A big thanks to @areaderinlove for hosting another awesome book swap...
#bookphoto #readingismagic #readingismyescape #bookswags #bookpagefeature #bookish
Excited to start this beauty... Let‘s see how it is... First time reading a memoir... 🤷🏻♀️
#educated #tarawestover #firsttimereadingamemoir #readingismagic #gottachangeuptheflow #readingtime📖 #bookpages #bookpagefeature #readingismyescape #readingisfun #bookish #bookphoto #bookswags
Finish one & start another on this rainy Friday... ☔️📖
#beckyalbertalli #leahontheoffbeat #relaxingmode #readingismyescape #bookart #bookish #bookswag #booklove #bookporn #bookpagefeature #bookpages #readingismagical #bookstagramfeature #bookstakeyouplaces
My situation on this rainy night 🧐
#isabelallende #inthemidstofwinter #rainynight #sipandread #alittlechillyout #booksarecool #readingislove #readingiscool #relaxingafteralongday #lifeisgood #readingismytherapy #readingismypassion #readingismyescape #readingissexy #readingislove #bookswag #bookstagramfeature #bookpagefeature #bibliophile
Clearing my mind before I step out for the day...Reading for me is my therapy away from the craziness in life...Happy Sunday & Happy Reading...📖☕️💗....
#kissmeinnewyork #catherinerider #decompressing #readingismyescape #readingismytherapy #bookswag #bookpagefeature #bookpage #happyreading #readingislove #readingismagic #bibliophile
The perfect day to sit back, read a little & watch some movies...For those who have to travel in this snow I have you in prayer...☕️📖☃️❄️💨....
#cubanaffair #nelsondemille #lovesnowdays #lovesnow #readingday #readingismagic #readingislove #bookpage #bookpagefeature #bibliophile #bookstagram #bookswag #bookstagramfeature #bookish #bookporn #bookpics #readingismyescape
When your eyes decide to open at 3am & just won‘t close so you can get more 😴... Maybe turning a few pages will make my eyes heavy...😤
#insomniasucks #menapause #nooneiscomingtosaveus #stephaniepowellwatts #bookfeaturepage #sleepfindme #readinglove #readingismyescape #readingismagic #bookpage #bookphoto #bookswag