Gorgeous day to get some reading in & appreciate the Cherry Blossoms...
#mysistertheserialkiller #oyinkanbraithwaite #feelingblessed #appreciatinggodsbeauty #readingtime📖 #readingiscool #readingismagical #bookswag #bookporn #bookpages #bookporn
Gorgeous day to get some reading in & appreciate the Cherry Blossoms...
#mysistertheserialkiller #oyinkanbraithwaite #feelingblessed #appreciatinggodsbeauty #readingtime📖 #readingiscool #readingismagical #bookswag #bookporn #bookpages #bookporn
Exactly my plans for today... Maybe I might bake some cookies... But I do know, I have no desire to go out & bargain shop... Sooo not me... Enjoy your day my friends....📖☕️
#needtocatchuponreading #notintheshoppingmood #justwanttochill #maybebakecookies #readingtime📖 #booksaremagic #bookstagram #bookpages #bookish #readingissexy #readingiscool
Rainy Saturday calls for reading & movies... At least I‘m dry & warm... I was suppose to go see Christmas Lights in NYC... But we canceled because of the rain 🤷🏻♀️
#rosiewalsh #ghosted #enjoyingthislightread #bookpageart #readingismagic #bookstagramfeature #bookish #bookswag #turningthepages #readingtime📖 #readingiscool #oldbookpages #bookart #exercisingmybrain
#booktober day 10:favourite MG friendship! Aru and Mini for the win! #mgbooktober #readingiscool
Started this beauty today... Definitely a page turner but I see it‘s going to be sad off & on... It helped get my reading groove back...💗 #lisagenova #everynoteplayed #alsisugly #perfecteveningtoread #readinginmyquietspace #bookpages #2018readingchallenge #readingismagic #bookstagram #bookstagramfeatures #readingiscool #bookish #bookislife #bookswag #bookporn #bookphoto
Finally I can sit out & enjoy the cool breeze while sipping & reading... I found this bottle of wine at Wegmans, in Glen Mills, PA... It is a local wine from Sorrenti Estate, in PA... A little sweet but soooo refreshing...
#laurenweisberger #whenlifegivesyoulululemons #perfectweathertoditoutandread #sorrentifamilyvineyard #delish #perfecto #booksofinstagram #bookswag #booklove #readingiscool #bookart #bookish #bookishfeatures #bookishgirl
Today‘s been a super busy day for me!! Haven‘t gotten ANY #reading done yet! But hopefully here soon. I need some serious catching up time! Also, this cute Nerdy Girl #necklace is from a little Etsy shop called BookishAdventuresShop! Go check it out!
#books #bookish #bookstagram #bookstack #bookishjewelry #jewelry #booknerd #bibliophile #bookworm #read #reader #readingiscool #reading #booklover #bluebooks #friyay #lovetoread
I‘m #currentlyreading Stalking Jack the Ripper and really enjoying it! It‘s an interesting story, but I wouldn‘t suggest it for the faint of heart!😂🙈 This #bookmark is from a little shop called Blu Bear Bazaar and I love this #quote from the #book! Have you read this one yet?
#bookstagram #bibliophile #bookish #bookphotography #bookworm #booknerd #reading #readbooks #books #bookstack #readingiscool #booklover #lovetoread #jacktheripper
In honor of #WorldBookDay2018! 🤗
#bookaholic #bookworm #booknerd #readingiscool #getlit #bookishclothing #readeverywhere #bookseveryday
My situation on this rainy night 🧐
#isabelallende #inthemidstofwinter #rainynight #sipandread #alittlechillyout #booksarecool #readingislove #readingiscool #relaxingafteralongday #lifeisgood #readingismytherapy #readingismypassion #readingismyescape #readingissexy #readingislove #bookswag #bookstagramfeature #bookpagefeature #bibliophile