I‘m about 1/3 in and really enjoying this one. A bit of history, fantasy, mystery. Easy to read and poetic writing.
Good night for reading here…pouring rain!!
#history #fantasy #rainynight ❤️
I‘m about 1/3 in and really enjoying this one. A bit of history, fantasy, mystery. Easy to read and poetic writing.
Good night for reading here…pouring rain!!
#history #fantasy #rainynight ❤️
i wish but i have to work meh 🫤 #rainynight
I don't get to spend a lot of time with Sharky. She went to live with my husband when we decided to try living in separate houses. Even though she clearly loves him more, I do still think of her as my cat. When I met her as a kitten, it was a hard sell with hubby to bring her home. We're hanging out this stormy evening while hubby is in China for work. The only time she will cuddle with me is when he's away. #catsoflitsy #littenkitten #rainynight
A rainy night calls for starting a new book!
#amish #rainynight
My situation on this rainy night 🧐
#isabelallende #inthemidstofwinter #rainynight #sipandread #alittlechillyout #booksarecool #readingislove #readingiscool #relaxingafteralongday #lifeisgood #readingismytherapy #readingismypassion #readingismyescape #readingissexy #readingislove #bookswag #bookstagramfeature #bookpagefeature #bibliophile