THE SUN WAS only just peeking over the peachleaf trees, but the heat was already crisping the leaves and steaming the creek and making the dying fields too bright to look at. #FirstLineFridays @ShyBookOwl #scarystoriesforyoungfoxes
THE SUN WAS only just peeking over the peachleaf trees, but the heat was already crisping the leaves and steaming the creek and making the dying fields too bright to look at. #FirstLineFridays @ShyBookOwl #scarystoriesforyoungfoxes
I have FRESH NEW #bookreviews up on my blog for #TheNewMe by Halle Butler (dark comedy, literary fiction), #SkyWithoutStars by Jessica Brody and Joanne Rendell (YA sci-fi reimagining of #LesMisérables), and #ScaryStoriesForYoungFoxes by Christian Heidicker (middle grade Poe-inspired woodland tale).
I enjoyed all three! But SO different.
You could say I have broad reading tastes... ?????