@talkthattalk_rarity on Insta - Spoken word that puts a fire in your belly. Highly recommend.
@talkthattalk_rarity on Insta - Spoken word that puts a fire in your belly. Highly recommend.
Williams takes an out-there conceit about indecipherable scrolls found abandoned beneath the subway which he claims he transcribed in a series of meditative trances and received all sorts of spiritual insights about, and crafts it into a cohesive collection that‘s lyrical, rhythmic, and brimming with insights about hip-hop‘s music and culture. He‘s biting, compassionate, and funny in turns as he thinks about politics, economics, and history.
Disturbing. Evocative. Brutal. Beautiful. Gritty.
This is a great collection by spoken-word poet Nicole Blackman. It‘s been years since I last read this but it‘s still one of my favorite poetry collections.
First book finished for #AwesomeAugust #Readathon
From “Totally like whatever, you know?”
“I entreat you, I implore you, I exhort you,
I challenge you: To speak with conviction.
To say what you believe in a manner that bespeaks
the determination with which you believe it.
Because contrary to the wisdom of the bumper sticker, it is not enough these days to simply QUESTION AUTHORITY.
You have to speak with it, too.”
🎬: https://tinyurl.com/y56dcck5
#PoetryMatters | 3: #Voice
📷: Made w Typorama
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Just heard about this program and had to share. While this is geared to YA readers, there are a couple classics. And the list looks interesting no matter what genre.
Xiomara tells her story in poetic verse. Papi is present but absent, Twin is caught up in his own struggles, and Mami is trying to mold X through strict rules, heavy doses of religion, and threats of sending X away. Xiomara finds her words slowly but surely with the help of Aman, Caridad, Isabelle, Stephan, Chris, Father Sean, and Ms. Galiano.
#poetry #poetrymatters #slampoetry #growingup #dominican #dominicanamerican