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Theft of Swords | Michael J. Sullivan
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Haven't posted about this one yet. It was rec'd to me by my brother who LOVES the series and pretty much anything this guy writes. It's been on my tbr for at least a year 😅 and the hype is high, which is probably why I feel hypercritical about it, it's ok so far, let's see what happens next 😉 #teamharkness #scarathlon2020

#sbooktober #screamathon2020 #gothtober #slayerfest20 #bookspinbingo @TheAromaofBooks @sace @4thhouseontheleft @StayCurious

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
AmyG Did you recieve my All Hallows Read package? Tracking says it was delivered on 10/2. Thanks so much. 4y
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coffees @AmyG yes! Sorry, I just saw it today, I don't get around to much during work days 😅😅 thank you!! 4y
AmyG Thank you! I‘m sorry. The mail here is awful so I just wanted make sure. 4y
coffees @AmyG no problem!! I'm so excited for the end of the month!! 4y
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Wow...totally not the type of book I was expecting. It's marked as #horror on goodreads but it had no paranormal vibes and then...it's a disturbing read. Won't be able to finish it during #cyoreadathon bc I'm off tomorrow but I'll pick it up next week, I'm on the last part

#teamharkness #scarathlon2020

#sbooktober #screamathon2020 #gothtober #slayerfest20 #bookspinbingo @TheAromaofBooks @sace @4thhouseontheleft @StayCurious

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Mexican Gothic | Silvia Moreno-Garcia
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Don't usually read #horror so part of me is like, that's it?? I was excited abt this book because LOOK at that cover! But idk, I think the idea was really interesting but it was such a slow build that it almost felt...meh. The writing just didn't speak to me. Maybe a 3/3.5 #teamharkness #scarathlon2020

#sbooktober #cyoreadathon #screamathon2020 #gothtober #slayerfest20 #bookspinbingo @TheAromaofBooks @sace @4thhouseontheleft @StayCurious

coffees TWs for sexual coercion, sexual abuse, incestual relations, and body horror 4y
TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 4y
StayCurious good review! 4y
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Mexican Gothic | Silvia Moreno-Garcia
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Ohhh he's so cute!! Not your typical potential? Love interest and tbh maybe there's something haunting about him (or maybe it's just the house that's making everything have creepy vibes) but I hope nothing happens to him and that he's not evil 👀

Picked up a physical copy at my job to keep reading 😊#teamharkness #scarathlon2020

#sbooktober #cyoreadathon #screamathon2020 #gothtober #slayerfest20 @sace @4thhouseontheleft @StayCurious

coffees #bookspinbingo @TheAromaofBooks didn't get a chance to post my Oct sheet yet but this is definitely on there 👀💦💦 4y
Read-y_Picker It's on my bingo card for October! Waiting for my library hold to come through any day now 💜 4y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
coffees @Read-y_Picker Ohhh nice! 4y
booksandsympathy I requested it from my library but it's probably going to be a while before I get it. I'm #11on the list and our library system has 7 copies. 4y
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Mexican Gothic | Silvia Moreno-Garcia
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Started my first read for #scarathlon2020!! I'm kind of getting beauty and the best vibes, was this listed as retelling or inspired by? HMMM #teamharkness

#sbooktober #cyoreadathon #screamathon2020 #gothtober #slayerfest20 @sace @4thhouseontheleft @StayCurious

Sace Interesting 🤔 I still haven't read it but I hadn't heard anything about a Beauty and the Beast element. 4y
coffees @Sace yeah, it's kind of subtle? But since B&B is my FAV princess story I'm like seeing it everywhere?? Like giant mansion house on a hill, evil husband, locked up cousin and the main character going to save her, mentions of roses and curses and mist, other stuff happening as well but HMMM 4y
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