This glorious Lady of Shallot Rose is blooming in a friend's garden. Inspires me to read the poem while sipping tea. #happyflowerfriday #englishrosesandpoetry
This glorious Lady of Shallot Rose is blooming in a friend's garden. Inspires me to read the poem while sipping tea. #happyflowerfriday #englishrosesandpoetry
Apothecary Rose - Rosa gallica officinalis has a fascinating history. In medieval times it's petals & hips were used for medicine. Very fragrant, making it perfect for lotions & creams. It's the Red Rose of House of Lancaster from War of Roses.
It's obviously pink.🤔 If you know why that is, please tell me. #bloomoftheday #inmygarden
My favorite pink rose Therese Bugnet. Depending on who you Google that's pronounced Terez Boo-nay or tair-EZ boon-YAY or as we Okies say The Bug Nut.
#cantwait4flowerfriday #smelltheroses #ibelieveinpink
#bloomoftheday #1