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I just started my next read and Princess is already creeping on me wanting attention. #fluffnugget #snugglebunny #catsoflitsy

TheBookAddict Such a cutie! 💕😻💕 6y
SandyW How could you ignore that face? 😻😻😻 6y
CoverToCoverGirl She‘s beautiful! .. and irresistible 😊 6y
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rjsthumbelina She's so pretty! 6y
Amiable So precious! 6y
glitterkitty459 😻😻😻 6y
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New book and a new addition to our family! Meet Thumper 🐰 (I know not very original for a bunny but the kids picked his name and love it 😏) So I now have a new snuggle buddy while I read!

#SassyBookworm 😏 #BunniesofLitsy #BookBunny #SnuggleBunny #Thumper

britt_brooke How cute!! 6y
Birdsong28 So cute 📚📖 6y
Velvetfur Aaww I love bunnies! Especially snuggly ones like Thumper here 💜 6y
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ladym30 Sweet bunny! 6y
cariashley Aww!! I totally had a bunny named Thumper. Our other bunny was named Peter so we were also winning awards for creativity 😆 6y
rabbitprincess Awwwww ♥️♥️🐰🐰 6y
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Wives and Daughters | Elizabeth Gaskell
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@TricksyTails posted she was using a coffee crisp bar as a reading reward. I‘d never heard of this treat before, but my grocery store had a small British Food section and this was eye level today. So, my #SundayEveningPlans are to indulge in some coffee crisp goodness and start this book. I loved North and South, so I have high hopes for this one.

#Bailey #dogsoflitsy #readingbuddy #snugglebunny

Notafraidofwords I hated North and South. Loved this one!!!! Lol 6y
DGRachel @Notafraidofwords Oh no! Are they that different? Why did you hate North and South? 6y
Notafraidofwords @DGRachel I‘m not even sure. It felt so bored by it. The writing didn‘t feel as strong. 6y
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ladym30 That puppy is adorable! 6y
DGRachel @ladym30 Thanks 😊 I‘m rather fond of her. 6y
DGRachel @Notafraidofwords That‘s fair. I know I am not a fan of Austen‘s Sense & Sensibility despite loving her other work, but that was because I wanted to choke Marianne Dashwood. Hopefully, since I enjoyed Gaskell‘s earlier writing, I‘ll enjoy her final novel even more. 😊 6y
Melissa_J I had no idea Coffee Crisps aren‘t readily available in the U.S! It‘s one of the most popular chocolate bars in Canada. I love it, although my favourite is Wunderbar (I don‘t think that‘s in the U.S. either) 6y
DGRachel @Melissa_J I haven‘t heard of Wunderbar, either. I‘ll have to keep an eye out for it in the special sections of stores. 😉 6y
Melissa_J DM me your address on GR and I‘ll hook you up with one (or two) 😊 6y
CSeydel Coffee Crisp is my very favorite thing ever! I used to order them from Panhandle, until he shut down. 😔 6y
CSeydel World Market carries them sometimes. I‘ve heard the problem with marketing them in the US is the slogan “a nice light snack.” Apparently “light” has a legal meaning on food labels here (ie, low calorie) and you can‘t just use it indiscriminately. 6y
DGRachel @CSeydel We definitely have different labeling requirements. I noticed that the one I bought had an US approved nutrition and ingredient label sticker which was different from the one on wrapper. 6y
TricksyTails You found it!!! So lucky! 😍😍😍 Please tell me it‘s the most delectable thing you‘ve ever tasted! Did Bailey have such a hard day? She looks sleepy! 😘🐶😆 6y
DGRachel @TricksyTails I think I prefer chocolate to coffee flavored candy bars, but it wasn‘t bad. This is Bailey‘s “why are you taking pictures instead of giving me treats” look. 😂 6y
youngreadrshelf Is Bailey a catahoula? 6y
DGRachel @youngreadrshelf The Humane Society says Terrier/Pit Bull mix. 6y
youngreadrshelf @DGRachel. Bailey looks so much like my Evie who is a catahoula. Big difference is the eyes. Evie's are a mix of blue and brown. 6y
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Blessed Are the Cheesemakers | Sarah-Kate Lynch
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I grabbed some cheese for a snack. Pilot decided that he needed cheese, too and braved the steps onto my bed. Of course, he was so focused on getting to the cheese, he nearly fell off the steps halfway up. 🤭😂(Sorry for the bad quality photo, but my iPad doesn‘t have a flash, my phone is out of reach, and migraines require dark rooms). #dogsoflitsy #snugglebunny #JustHereForTheFood

TrishB He‘s lovely 💕 7y
mabell Priorities! Cheese is one of mine as well 😂 7y
Christine11 He‘s a cutie!! 🐶 7y
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tomes4gnomes A certain hound dog I know named Pearl can hear the tiny sound of a ziplock bag of shredded cheese being opened from anywhere in the house, and she comes arunnin‘! 🐶+🧀=❤️. I get migraines, too. Hope you feel better soon. 7y
AmyG Feel better. 7y
DGRachel @TrishB @Christine11 Thanks! I‘m rather fond of him. 😂 7y
DGRachel @mabell He‘s definitely my dog. 😂 7y
DGRachel @tomes4gnomes It‘s a gift, amiright? 😂 He‘s the same way with his ice cream and his denta stix. 7y
DGRachel @tomes4gnomes @AmyG Thanks for the well wishes. Sick days finally reset with the new year, so I‘m taking full advantage of this one and sleeping as much as I can instead of trying to work from home. 7y
Hooked_on_books My dogs are also willing to risk injury for cheese. 7y
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@Balibee146 It‘s kind of hard to tell, but Pilot is literally laying on top of me. He‘s pinned my arm to my side underneath his fat butt. 😂😂#snugglebunny #lapdog #whatdoyoumeaniamnotalapdog #dogsoflitsy

dsfisher Hey, I don‘t have a fat butt! Pilot 7y
Balibee146 Oh he is precious... But you will have a numb arm! Thanks for the tag... Wish I could have some cuddles with him 😍 7y
Hooked_on_books Oh I‘ve been there! Greta laid on my face yesterday when she was jealous her brother was laying at my legs. 🙄 Silly dogs! 7y
DGRachel @Hooked_on_books 😂😂 Pilot has sat on my head before, too! 7y
LeahBergen 😂😂 7y
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