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Aspirational reading.
The past few weeks have been VERY busy with end of school. My daughter graduated from high school and it was go-go-go.
Needless to say 50 days of solitude sounds pretty good.

Tamra Yes, indeed it does! 2d
Cathythoughts Sounds perfect ❤️ Congratulations on your daughter. 🎉Time flies ❤️ 2d
BarbaraBB Congratulations! I hope you will enjoy the book and some solitude 🤍 1d
LeahBergen Aww, graduation! 🥰 1d
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This was my #DoubleSpin for May. Nothing profound or thought-provoking. It felt like it was just the author's rambling thoughts put on paper and then organized into a book.

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My #BookSpin and #DoubleSpin for May.

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#BookHaul from The Book Barn in Niantic, CT. Can you believe I visited exactly one structure in their sprawling, 3-location empire before my hands got too cold and I quit? 😅🥶 My wallet gives thanks to Mother Nature.

JamieArc Have you read the tagged? If not, you‘re in for a treat. I really loved it, and while I rarely reread, this is one I definitely want to. 2mo
monalyisha @JamieArc I haven‘t! And yay! You know I take your endorsements seriously. 😉 While browsing, I sat down in a worn orange chair and read the first few pages to make sure I liked the writing. I was sold. 2mo
JamieArc I read it at the height of the pandemic and it was just lovely. I have an orange chair in my office that I use to take reading breaks 🧡 2mo
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slategreyskies I received The Collected Poems of May Sarton as a gift a few years ago. It was a used copy, and when I opened it up to begin reading, we were both surprised to find out that it was signed! I treasure it now, even more so than I would have otherwise. Also, I have so many of her journals as well. Her writing calms me. 2mo
AmyG Other Birds was so lovely. 2mo
monalyisha @slategreyskies That‘s all so wonderful! I know nothing about her, actually. Good to know my instincts can be trusted. 😊 2mo
Tamra The Last Report is one of my all time favorite novels. 💙 2mo
Hooked_on_books You found some good ones! An Immense World is phenomenal. 2mo
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Fire on the Mountain | Anita Desai

This one is not my favorite of “Tookies short perfect novels” that I have read so far, but I do see why it‘s on the list. The end did quite literally take my breath away.

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This book is a low pick for me. It's a somewhat random collection of thoughts on silence, some insightful and others that were less interesting. Either way, it has definitely made me appreciate silence more.

This might be a stretch, but I'm using this book for prompt 30, “Meowth: Treasure“ for #gottacatchemall, since the theme of the book is that silence is to be treasured, and we all know that “Silence is golden“! @PuddleJumper

Librarybelle Wow! I‘ve not seen a book crossing book in a long time! So cool it is still a program! 3mo
kwmg40 @Librarybelle BookCrossing is definitely not as active as it used to be but there are still a lot of dedicated BookCrossers. I always get a thrill when I get a journal entry for a book I released many years ago. 3mo
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Librarybelle @kwmg40 That is really neat! I remember it being super popular 20 years ago. I had an account, and though I never released a book, I enjoyed reading the alerts of a book being released in my area. 3mo
kwmg40 @Librarybelle I mostly do “controlled releases“ these days, with a group of BookCrossers around the world who send books to one another, but occasionally, I'll leave one “in the wild“. 😄 3mo
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Fire on the Mountain | Anita Desai
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Weekend reading is to make progress on working my way through the character Tookie‘s “short perfect novels” list in Erdrich‘s The Sentence. This will be #8 of 12.

Soubhiville Oh cool! I made a reading list from her recs, but I don‘t know if I‘ve gone back to follow up on any of them. 🙂📚 4mo
Sapphire @Soubhiville I made it a personal challenge on StoryGraph so I wouldn‘t forget! It‘s taking awhile. This one and the Turgev were a bit harder to find. The only one I haven‘t really embraced (it‘s hard to say like they are all beautifully written but all very dark) is Mrs Dalloway, but I will go back for that one. I am also using most of these for #192025 challenge as well 4mo
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Marguerite's Christmas | India Desjardins
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Found this back in November (HomeGoods find), and saved to read on Christmas Eve.

Too sweet. Like a picture-book for grown-ups.

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TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! Enjoy!!! 7mo
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TheSpineView Sad! 8mo
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