Lots of YA love went out in today‘s mail. 💕 @Librarybelle sorry yours is slightly delayed going out. And @kamoorephoto sorry yours is reallyyyyy delayed. 😬😬😬 #thebreakfastbookclub #TeamYA #LMPBC
Lots of YA love went out in today‘s mail. 💕 @Librarybelle sorry yours is slightly delayed going out. And @kamoorephoto sorry yours is reallyyyyy delayed. 😬😬😬 #thebreakfastbookclub #TeamYA #LMPBC
Um, holy cow @kamoorephoto I'm in awe! I've had a horrible day and coming home to your package absolutely made me feel better! I've been watching the Iron Flower on Amazon, counting down to its release. I don't often by books for myself but this one was an exception. I'm starting a collection of ARC and signed books ( Uppercasebox woohoo) so with this being an ARC I'm twice as happy! How did you do it? You're magical! YAY YAY YAY
#lmpbc #teamya
Received my #LMPBC pick back (tagged 👆🏻) from @callielafleur along with some goodies. Thanks for the extra books and fun unicorn pen, Callie! 💕 Loving going through reading comments from @kamoorephoto and @IheartYA too! Thanks for a fun round, #TeamYA! 😽
Opened some mail from the awesome @iheartya which contained my #lmpbc #TeamYA pick, plus two awesome gifts! Thanks lady!! ❤️
I was so excited to read everyone else's notes- they made me laugh and look at things in a different way. This was a fun book club pick, even if it wasn't the highest quality book. 😂😂 Thanks to @IheartYA @erinreads and @kamoorephoto for your great notes. @erinreads your package is on its way to you!
Heartbreaking, and emotionally difficult to read, nonetheless I feel like people should give this one a go. It covers the Soviet deportation and imprisonment of Lithuanians during WW2, which I knew almost nothing about. Thanks to @erinreads for choosing this one for #LMPBC #TeamYA! ❤️
Mail on it's way to @TheDaysGoBy @callielafleur @LibrarianRyan
#lmpbc #TeamYA
Hey @erinreads I'm going to be a little late getting your #lpmbc book back to you! I was traveling and didn't want to risk something happening to it while I was out and about. I'll get it back to you soon! 💜 #TeamYA
Starting my last #LMPBC book for #TeamYA and @kamoorephoto included some prints of her shelter kitty models for the group and I‘m so happy I got the ginger kitty! 😻 Also, the cute cat helps to balance out the creepy cover, am I right?
Onto the last book of this round #lmpbc #teamya #groupQ. What do you guys think of sending an extra book or 2 as a gift for our last mailing?
@erinreads @callielafleur @kamoorephoto
About 50 pages in and loving @IheartYA‘s pick for our #LMPBC group so far! It‘s been fun to read Patty and @callielafleur‘s comments along the way. I should be right on schedule to get this to @kamoorephoto by the end of the month. 👌🏻 #TeamYA