This was more book mail I got yesterday. It was a gift from my Dad. It was the only one of The Librarians novels that I was missing. #thelibrarians #bookmail
This was more book mail I got yesterday. It was a gift from my Dad. It was the only one of The Librarians novels that I was missing. #thelibrarians #bookmail
This reads like an episode of the show. It's an entertaining book, nothing more, but also nothing less. It's set at a time when Flynn is wandering about, so the author uses flashbacks to have him in the book. It's not a trick that I'm fond of, but it works. The second Librarians book is waiting for me on my electronic TBR shelf, aka kindle.
If you could make one fictional character real who would it be? #fictionals #thelibrarians #sherlock #harrypotter #lotr #ramonaquinby #hermionegranger #superman #captainamerica
*squeeeeeeeeeeeeel* #thelibrarians #netgalley
On another note, I finished this tonight. I enjoyed it. It's overall very well written. My only complaint is the dialogue for Jacob Stone. It doesn't sound like Jacob at all. At times it sounds like Eliot Spencer from Leverage and at times it sounds like no one. The author seems to just not a real grasp of Jacob as a character at all. That was a bit annoying. Flynn is perfect though and so was Ezekiel. #thelibrarians
These are my current reads. I alternate between the two. Almost finished with The Librarians though. Maybe start the first Dresden Files book after that. #neverwhere #neilgaiman #thelibrarians #dresdenfiles #currentreads
A fun steampunk caper, with magic and schemes and a magical library. Highly recommended to steampunk fans and fans of #TheLibrarians TV show
This is actually a #secretsanta gift from a penpal group I am a part of. It came a week ago and I opened it today since I'll be busy next week and then going out of town. I wanted this book so much. I'm sooooo happy! :) #thelibrarians #booksarethebestgifts
The Librarians is my current favorite show on television. It's been a while since I watched the movies. I got them from the library today. I'm watching them now. I like them more now after being more invested in the world from three seasons of the show. They bored me a little the first time, I must admit.
I'm so eager to read this book, too but I can't buy it yet and the library doesn't have it. #thelibrarians