Oh hello, Dante; is that you again?
Apparently this is how Venus retrograde is manifesting in my life, courtesy of BorrowBox. 😄
Oh hello, Dante; is that you again?
Apparently this is how Venus retrograde is manifesting in my life, courtesy of BorrowBox. 😄
Absolutely the most beautiful ornament for a book lover! This one‘s made with maps, but there are others made with book pages. Just gorgeous and the perfect way to memorialize my big trip to Greece this summer. You can find the Etsy shop at BookologyCo if you are looking for a gift for a book or travel lover. 😊
#TodayILearned what a terrible leader Henry III was. That's probably why there aren't many films or books devoted to him. Still, I'm really enjoying Costain's Plantagenet series. It's very readable, even if some of the feelings and thoughts the author attributes to these real-life characters might have involved some guesswork.
#NFNovember @Bookwormjillk
#BookSpinBingo #DoubleSpin @TheAromaofBooks
I highly recommend this for anyone interested in British medieval history. Edward I did terrible things: expelled all Jews from England, used trickery and atrocities to conquer Scotland, and subjugated the Welsh and forced them to fight in his wars, to name a few. But there is no question he was an exceptionally strong, effective king and a brilliant strategist. Morris lays out a very good case that his reign forged Britain as we know it. 👇
Great read about castle life told in rhyme!
Recent acquisitions:
📖 Robin Hood (Eyewitness Classics) by Philip, illustrated by Harris (my 70th RH book)
📖 Fifteenth-Century England 1399-1509: Studies in Politics and Society by Chrimes, Ross, and Griffiths
📖 The Gawain-Poet (Medieval and Renaissance Authors) by Wilson
📖 The Life and Times of Richard III by Cheetham
#UniteAgainstBookBans #LetUtahRead
3.5 Stars • “Winds of Time," is a novella and the third installment in the "After Cilmeri" series by Sarah Woodbury. Meg, a time-traveling character, finds herself once again in medieval Wales after a plane crash. This time, she's alone and must navigate the challenges of the past with the knowledge and maturity she gained from her sixteen years spent in the modern world. ⬇️
🤫 don‘t wake Nikki.
This is a delightful 13-century Arthurian romance with a female knight, Silence, forced to hide her identity and act a man. Jealous kings, slain dragons, female healers and a wild-man version of Merlin. It was discovered in 1911, a single manuscript in Old French verse in a box marked “old papers - no value”.
Romance written in the 12-13th cent.
Silence is a girl brought up disguised as a boy so she could be her parents' heir. Of course, they are the most valiant, accomplished & virtuous person ever 😁
The King of England likes & values them, but after they reject the Queen's advances, she turns against them & tribulations start.
I thought their gender of birth would be uncovered in battle, as per trope, but no: something stranger & funnier happens 👏