My #2019wrapup video is up! In which I demonstrate why I could never be a niche book reviewer. 😂 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0M-_KrgncZs
#2019stats #stats #wrapup #readingstats #yearinreview #yearinreview2019 #readingwrapup
My #2019wrapup video is up! In which I demonstrate why I could never be a niche book reviewer. 😂 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0M-_KrgncZs
#2019stats #stats #wrapup #readingstats #yearinreview #yearinreview2019 #readingwrapup
Lots of shiny, easy-to-read charts on my Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/p/B6zDFpGAYXa/. #2019stats #stats #wrapup #2019wrapup #readingstats #yearinreview #yearinreview2019 #readingwrapup
But these are seriously my plans tonight... anyone else?
Today's post is a Top Ten Tuesday promlt featuring our favorite wheelhouse reads of 2019.
Check out our picks and share yours in the comments!
#toptentuesday bookblogger #bookblog #blogsofinstagram #favoritereads2019 #bookrecommendations #yearinreview2019
Today on blog we're sharing our end of year awards for our YA/MG reads.
Check out our picks and let us know yours in the comments!
voritebooks #yearinreview2019 #bookblogger #bookblog #bookstagram #bookawards #favoritereads2019