I'm going to give anyone who participated in #yuletidereads a few weeks to get their reading tallies posted. After that I will announce the short story winner. #readingchallenge #litsy
I'm going to give anyone who participated in #yuletidereads a few weeks to get their reading tallies posted. After that I will announce the short story winner. #readingchallenge #litsy
Repost for @thebacklistbook
#readingchallenge #yuletidereads is officially concluded! Tally up your reading scores and tag @thebacklistbook in your post. Reminder that one book per each of the first four categories is one entry. Reading for the bonuses is another.
Reminder of category titles: Yule log, 12 days of Xmas, on a holiday, holiday hijinks, TBR and Hallmark countdown to Christmas.
#readingchallenge #litsy #yuletidereads is officially concluded! Tally up your reading scores and tag me in your posts. Reminder that one book per each of the first four categories is one entry. Reading for the bonuses is another. @LitsyEvents
#yuletidereads officially ends March 20th! Just one week away. Get your completion list ready to post. @LitsyEvents
See original post for a reminder of categories. The first four categories must have minimum one book read per each. The bonus categories count as extras.
Repost for @thebacklistbook
Only a few more weeks before the challenge wraps up! If you read at least one book in each category before March 20th you qualify for the prize. Post a list of your conquests and be sure to tag @thebacklistbook ! #yuletidereads
Only a few more weeks before the challenge wraps up! If you read at least one book in each category before March 20th you qualify for the prize. Post a list of your conquests and be sure to tag me! #yuletidereads @LitsyEvents
Going ahead and calling it now, because I really can't see myself doing the last bonus. 😂
Best read in small doses, but very funny at times. I also enjoyed when he lets his persona slip and gives glimpses of himself as a fallible human being.
#WinterGames Team #XmasChaCha #SugarRush #20in4 #YuleTideReads #ReadOuttheOld #WinterSolsticeReadathon
I found this disappointing after the first book. A lot of time spent in very unpleasant POVs, a lot of nasty fat-shaming, and -- as with the first -- Gamache seems far too willing to let his suspects be involved in the case. (Has he never heard of the concept of tampering with evidence?) Still, I like the characters enough, and am curious enough about the dangling threads, to read on.