This is probably a junior high level series, but the premise is fascinating!
This is probably a junior high level series, but the premise is fascinating!
This is probably a junior high level series, but the premise is fascinating!
A terrific and classic mystery novel, a must read for any Doyle fan.
A terrific tale, full of excitement and humanity.
A truly epic tale, but several chapters can be skipped without any loss, Hugo was definitely being payed by the word. This is a wonderful tale of the human condition, and a triumphant masterpiece.
A thrilling and question filled story, with a strong and flawed heroine.
An exciting return to the world of panem, with more complicated twists and engaging characters.
A thrilling adventure and critical inquiry of our modern society.
A great finale, a superb story.
A great continuation, some of the best literary battles can be found here.
A fascinating and enveloping story, full of adventure.
Very difficult to read and comprehend, an extensive Bible style history of the elves.
It feels like the tired end of a journey, but the final battle more than makes up for that.
A slow build to the events of the last two, but it contains some great humor missing in the others.
One of my favorites in the series, an exciting story.
While fun to read, did not surpass the first.
An always entertaining read