When I was in middle school, this was one of my absolute favorite books. As an adult, I can think of a million other middle grade novels that I prefer to this one....
When I was in middle school, this was one of my absolute favorite books. As an adult, I can think of a million other middle grade novels that I prefer to this one....
My favorite of Saints' books so far. Really a fabulous read.
Somehow I“ve never read this before and I really loved it. Will definitely be seeking out the rest of the series.
It was good, but there are so many better middle grade novels out there
#doublespin @TheAromaofBooks
A must read. Tragic. Magnificently written. Will definitely be seeking out other books by Barnhill.
June #bookspin @thearomaofbooks
Another great Pratchett book
#bookspinbingo no. 6 @thearomaofbooks
#JoysOfJune @Andrew65
Finish Wyrd Sisters by Pratchett (if I don't finish it before the 10th)
Start/Finish: Enter the Body by Rutter, Jane Eyre by Bronte, The Crane Husband by Barnhill
Book 1/14 done! Loved this book the first time i read it, but needed to reread before continuing the arc...
Yet again, I've finished reading this book. Yet again, I'm utterly enchanted by it. Yet again, I'm not really certain what it's about. But it's beautiful. And I'll continue to ponder the story for a long time to come....
#20in4 @Andrew65 Finished my fourth partially-read book this weekend. Decided to read the last chapter rather than listen to the audiobook (hence it taking much less than two hours to get through).
A very interesting read, especially for those looking to prioritize adding native plants to their land.
#20in4 @Andrew65 I thought I had a lot more left to read in this book, than I actually did. So will probably finish up my last book (only two hours of audio left) and then the exciting decision of “what to read next!“
Oh my goodness, it's beautifully written, but all these characters belong on the Jerry Springer show.... 😬😅
A really lovely book. Rambles a little, but really lovely
June #bookspin #bookspinbingo @thearomaofbooks
1. Equal Rites
2. Wyrd Sisters
3. Witches Abroad
4. Lords and Ladies
5. Maskerade
6. Carpe Jugulum
7. THe Crane Husband
8. The Inklings and King Arthur
9. The Fairy Bargains of Prospect Hill
10. Fairies
11. Emily Wilde's Encyclopedia of Fairies
12. Little Grey Men
13. Tress
14. The Way Home
15. Clytemnestra
16. Atalanta
17. Ithaca
18. Silence of the Girls
19. The Golden Enclaves
20. Dreamtime
Terry Pratchett:
1. Equal Rites
2. Wyrd Sisters
3. Witches Abroad
4. Lords and Ladies
5. Maskerade
6. Carpe Jugulum
7. THe Crane Husband by Barnhill
8. The Inklings and King Arthur by Higgins
9. The Fairy Bargains of Prospect Hill by Miller
10. Fairies by Bord
11. Emily Wilde's Encyclopedia of Fairies by Fawcett
12. Little Grey Men by BB
13. Tress by Sanderson
14. The Way Home by Beagle
I love how the author wrote the opening chapter in such a way that i don't have to wrack my brain trying to remember where the last book left off. She doesn't summarize book 1, but definitely reminds you of where you are in the story
A very interesting read. Had been completely unfamiliar with Lenape folktales, previously
As a child, I read and loved I Am Mordred. This book only hit my radar a few years ago and I'm so glad i took the time to read it. It's another lovely, feminist Arthurian retelling.
#bookspin @TheAromaofBooks
July #doublespin @thearomaofbooks
Confession: I bought this book knowing nothing about it other than the fact that I adore the author.
Like any Cat Valente book, the writing is MAGNIFICENT, but this plot isn't for me. At all.
Very interesting after just finishing Kaikeyi. A beautiful coming-of-age story. Heartbreak. Beauty. Love. Acceptance. Strength. Divinity.
Two stars simply because i enjoy sarcastic characters. Otherwise, very much not a fan. I'm counting this for my July#bookspinbingo board @TheAromaofBooks. It's no. 2 on my list for this month
All these reviews are well -deserved. The book was incredible!
A fun, refreshing read, but not nearly as brilliant as A Spindle Splintered
Another lovely Marillier novel. Looking forward to finishing the trilogy
After being very disappointed by my last read, I'll call it quits on page two. Not in the mood for something that seems so promisingly depressing
Bingo... 🙄 #bookspinbingo @TheAromaofBooks
Part of me adored this book. Part of me felt like I was reading some sub-par BBC Merlin fanfic. There is so much perfection in this book. Then lines that don't fit. A chapter than infuritates me beyond measure (chapter 32 - WTF WAS THAT ABOUT???). And a lot of drama. I should have stopped reading about halfway through. I was much less angry at this book then.
@bookspinbingo @thearomaofbooks #20in4 @andrew65
A line like this is almost laughable when the book is based off of The Lady of Shallot.... 🤦♀️
Chapter 32, WTF was that?? @mollyrotondo - i have no idea what i think of this book anymore.......
Not for me.... Was hoping I'd fall in love with it like I did her YA books when I was younger. #bookspinbingo @thearomaofbooks
I loved this book. The story, the sisters, the fact that it is inspired by (and includes) one of the Child ballads. Magic. Religion. Heartbreaking perfection.
June #bookspin @thearomaofbooks
DNF. I just can't. Maybe high school/college me would have loved it. But not my thing.... #doublespin @TheAromaofBooks
A lovely collection of short stories, all filled with Cooney's magnificent prose