This was everything and more. I hate that it had to end. V.E. Schwab is a kick ass author. I shed a few tears at the end. Absolutely beautiful trilogy and one of my favorites. A must read!!!
This was everything and more. I hate that it had to end. V.E. Schwab is a kick ass author. I shed a few tears at the end. Absolutely beautiful trilogy and one of my favorites. A must read!!!
So it's been 2 years since I've been on here. Well I'm back and hoping to make a home here. I haven't read much in the last year. Work has taken over my life so I haven't felt much like reading. I'm on a V.E. Schwab kick right now. I've read A Gathering of Shadows and Vicious in the last month. I've moved on to A Conjuring of Light. I'm sure it's going to leave me broken.
This was much better than The Heir. I really grew to like Eadlyn. The ending wasn't predictable like I thought it was going to be. Any book that gets me tearing get a good review. I hate that this series is done.
I'm a little late jumping on this bandwagon. But better late than never. I listened to it on audible. It's an unique story and it's very easy to get into. It deserves all the hype it has gotten. Sarah J. Maas rarely disappoints.
"She could torture me all she liked, but it would never destroy what I felt for him."