It's like GONE GIRL by way of Mr. And Mrs. Smith with a little bit of 😳😳😳 thrown in for good measure.
It's like GONE GIRL by way of Mr. And Mrs. Smith with a little bit of 😳😳😳 thrown in for good measure.
✨✨Cover Reveal ✨✨
I WAS ANASTASIA unravels the extraordinary twists and turns in Anna Anderson's 50-year battle to be recognized as Anastasia Romanov. Is she the young Russian Grand Duchess, a beloved daughter and revered icon? Or is she an imposter, the thief of another woman's legacy? Countless others have rendered their verdict. Now it is your turn.
A much needed read. It's time to curb my sugar addiction.
Gorgeous dust jacket. An intrepid neurosurgeon. Time travel. 14th century Tuscany. Intrigue. Romance. Murder. Art. Mystery. The Plague. What more could you want?
Food and stories. What more could you want?
October reading.
"My wound is geography. It is also my anchorage, my port of call." #firstlinesfriday
The lovely, brilliant Liane Moriarty at #READSavannah today.
Can. Not. Wait.
Finally got around to this one. Almost done and feeling unbearably anxious. Review coming soon!
"The only jewelry that Emilie wears is a skeleton key on a silver chain around her neck. The chain is long and tucked beneath her dress, hidden from view. She has not taken it off in the years since Hans died, and the side that lies against her skin has grown tarnished. It feels warm and heavy now, like a weight against her heart, so she pulls it out and cradles the key in her palm. It is the only thing she has left of her old life."