Someone talk about this. I just finished it and have lots of feelings.
Someone talk about this. I just finished it and have lots of feelings.
Making wedding stuff and this Nicolas Sparks novel seems appropriate to use; it's both "romantic" and totally worthy of destruction. #unpopularopinion #idontlikenicsparks #ialsodontlikedestroyingbooms
Library Book Sale #bookhaul. I have no self-control.
Thanks @Avanders for the tag. Per the usual, I am a day late on everything social media... 1. I started my last semester for my associates degree. One more step in the right direction so, for me, a big accomplishment 2. I always love going back to Philly. Can't wait to go there and stay there. 3. Strawberry shortcake. 4. Relaxing and reading 5. Your turn @beachbookworm7 @ReadingOver50 @DivineDiana #friyayintro
It's still too hot in southeastern NC to go outside. I can't wait for fall. In the mean time I'm holed up in the air conditioning with this lovely read.
I LOVE medical histories (and nonfiction in general) in audio format. This one did not disappoint. So interesting. Listening to The Emperor of All Maladies next!
Slow days at work are good to squeeze in a little reading time.
Happy #nationalbookloversday!!! It's my day off and it is grey and rainy. It couldn't possibly be a more perfect day!
I've had this sitting around since #bookofthemonth included it for free several months ago. A super short read, only 62 pages, I was intrigued from the first line. I have only read Gone Girl (which I hated) so this is a different experience for me. Far more enjoyable. 📚📚📚📚
I am one page in to this and it totally gets me.
Merry Kissmas everyone!!!
I am so excited about this book...and this cup of coffee!
Hurricane party. #hurricanematthew
Thank you Susan Cain for reminding me that I'm not crazy. #introvert
It's impossible to get anything done with cats.
"There is something freeing in seeing yourself in a new context. People have no preconceived notion of who you are, and there is relief in knowing that you can re-create yourself." -Carrie Brownstein
This book is...wow.
Friday Nights with audible.
Currently reading (audio).
Figuring out Litsy here! I read this book a couple of weeks ago (finally, I know). It was everything the hype made it out to be. I don't write in books but if I did I would have underlined nearly the entirety of this one.