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Rasputin: Faith, Power, and the Twilight of the Romanovs | Douglas Smith
On the centenary of the death of Rasputin comes a definitive biography that will dramatically change our understanding of this fascinating figure A hundred years after his murder, Rasputin continues to excite the popular imagination as the personification of evil. Numerous biographies, novels, and films recount his mysterious rise to power as Nicholas and Alexandra's confidant and the guardian of the sickly heir to the Russian throne. His debauchery and sinister political influence are the stuff of legend, and the downfall of the Romanov dynasty was laid at his feet. But as the prizewinning historian Douglas Smith shows, the true story of Rasputin's life and death has remained shrouded in myth. A major new work that combines probing scholarship and powerful storytelling, Rasputin separates fact from fiction to reveal the real life of one of history's most alluring figures. Drawing on a wealth of forgotten documents from archives in seven countries, Smith presents Rasputin in all his complexity--man of God, voice of peace, loyal subject, adulterer, drunkard. Rasputin is not just a definitive biography of an extraordinary and legendary man but a fascinating portrait of the twilight of imperial Russia as it lurched toward catastrophe.
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I really enjoyed this book... it‘s a very long book! Filled with facts that can be researched if you like ! Definitely a must read for anyone that is interested in this time in history

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It‘s too hot outside so let‘s stay inside and read!!

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I‘m really enjoying this book and have found a documentary on #netflix #thelastczars its much like back in school after reading and doing an essay on a book of literature you got to watch a movie depicting said book 🤗🤗🤗🤗

rubyslippersreads I enjoyed this, but thought the actor who played Rasputin wasn‘t creepy enough (although he was pretty creepy). 😏 5y
Lauraandherbooks @rubyslippersreads after reading the whole book I understand why... in some ways I guess it‘s somewhat debatable his creepiness.. the romanovs and some others didn‘t see him that way ... I myself remain undecided.. I think in many ways he was creepy and maybe he was battling his own demons and tried to be holy but him and the tsarina definitely destroyed Russia because of the people hated them and the tsar should have been stronger against them. 5y
Lauraandherbooks @rubyslippersreads I loved this story .. it‘s a terrible thing that happened but definitely interesting 5y
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2 chapters in and can‘t put it down, perfect book for this tri state road trip!!!

Lauren_reading This book was really good, really long too 😂 5y
Lauraandherbooks @LaurenReads I like long books... sometimes 😁 5y
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#adventrecommends Day 5

My favorite book of 2017.

Tove_Reads It was THAT good? It‘s on my TBR. 6y
Simona @Tove_Reads It‘s extremely well researched and detailed book, but still readable, and with very clear explanation - about his role in Russia, what is true and what is myth. It was THAT good 😘 6y
RavenLovelyReads Have you heard the Rasputin song? 🎼 Ra Ra Rasputin, Russia‘s biggest love machine... 🎵It‘s kinda catchy! Google it if you have a moment. 😁 But on a serious note- I added this to my TBR! (edited) 6y
Simona @RavenLovelyReads I‘m old enough that I don‘t have to google it 🤫😘 6y
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Two months since I was last here. It's been a jam-packed two months with very little reading time, so I'm still working on this behemoth. We decided to sell our house, I set to work fixing it up, we signed a contract on it this week, Loki tore his other ACL & had surgery AGAIN a month ago, just to add to the fun, & we're still house hunting for our new lair. Probably a lot of other things happened, too. 😬

Anyway, hi Littens! What did I miss?

Oh, that reminds me, I got to see HAMILTON here in ATL & damn, was it stunning. 😍
Tamra I know your moving pain......😐 6y
diovival Good luck on the house hunt! We closed on our first not too long ago. 6y
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I. Am. Powerless. To. Resist.

Yeah_I_Read Awesome 6y
ladym30 Scary! 6y
TrishB That‘s cool 👍🏻 6y
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This was so interesting. Probably one of the most detailed books on Rasputin and the Romanovs you can get which made it very long but never boring. It‘s such a fascinating story it could never be boring. The sources and reliability are extensively looked into and it‘s so amazing to see how the public frenzy created false tales.

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I like very strongly all the books in the picture for different reasons, but my favorite in 2017 is #nonfiction book about Rasputin. Probably, the most thoroughly researched book on Rasputin I've read so far and essential reading for all who are interested in how the Siberian peasant managed to become the most influential person in Russia.

rubyslippersreads I definitely need to read this one. 7y
Lauren_reading That Rasputin book was so good! I did audio (looong😂) but enjoyed it 7y
Simona @rubyslippersreads I agree with you 💯😘 7y
Simona @LaurenReads I listened when I was in walk with my dog, and yes it is a long ... also the paper book is door stopper, but both of them are worth the time. (edited) 7y
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😳 The what now?

RiotMom I just tried to google this and got nowhere. Now I‘m dying to know! 7y
meggofrank @RiotMom I was a little afraid to Google it. 😄 This book has approximately 1 jillion footnotes, but nothing for this. 7y
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“Iliodor had the face of an angel, but the soul of a thug.” 😂🤣😂 What?

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This author apparently does not believe in commas (except when he does?). It‘s driving me a little batty. Otherwise, this is really great so far.

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Long time, no Litsy. 👋 Littens. This is my evening plan. What‘re y‘all up to?

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Aha, I did it! 🎊🎉🎉🎊. Whew, what a book. I'm not really sure what I took away from this book. More pity for Rasputin and his family, and more disgust for Nicholas and Alexandra for their political naivete, perhaps. Those two were born in the wrong era. Sigh.

Anyway, what should I read next in my ongoing quest to learn as much as possible about #russia?

Clevercactus If you want more modern history, Voices from Chernobyl was excellent. 7y
gossamerchild @Clevercactus @Birdsong28 @River_Voice thank you! The Romanovs was definitely already on my list, but I haven't heard of those more contemporary titles. Exactly what I was thinking of, so thanks! 7y
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Okay, I'm not comfortable posting pictures of other people without their explicit permission, so I'm counting this as my #someoneelsereading 🤩. He's so distraught at Rasputin's fate that he had to hide his head. Poor #huxleythecat 😸

#fallintobooks @RealLifeReading

TheBookAddict 😂👍🏽 7y
Simona 😻😻😻 7y
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I only have 40 pages left in this monster beast, but I have to call it quits for the night. And yes, that does actually say chapter 71. 😆. Ah well. One more day it is.


Lauren_reading I did this on audio - the longest audio I've ever done! But I really liked it 7y
gossamerchild @LaurenReads apparently I've been reading it for 3 months...🙄. But yes, I've enjoyed it. Just not a quick read. 7y
Lauren_reading I had to take breaks - and I'm pretty sure by the end I was mixing up everyone's names :) 7y
gossamerchild @LaurenReads I did find myself using the index to remember people at some point 😁 7y
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Izai.Amorim That it repeats itself? Again and again? 7y
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Talk about #toxic. Seems like nothing but nasty, nasty gossip brought down the Romanov family. That's a major oversimplification, but it continues to amaze me the damage done by people making up crap about Rasputin and the royal family's inability to perceive the damage, regardless of the "truthiness" of the gossip. Fascinating stuff.

#AugustGrrrl @Cinfhen

Cinfhen I'm embarrassed to say I know very little about this subject- I hope to correct that #somanybookssolittletime 7y
gossamerchild @Cinfhen for some reason I've been on a real kick. This book is taking forever...I wouldn't recommend starting here 😂 7y
BarbaraBB Great choice! 7y
gossamerchild @Susanita ooh, thanks! Stacked 😁 7y
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Little light reading before bed 😂😂. Wonder what this will make me dream of tonight...

Rasputin is an intriguing #controversial character from Russian history.

#jubilantjuly @RealLifeReading

rubyslippersreads This is on my TBR list, but I don't think I'd read it before bed. 😄 7y
gossamerchild @rubyslippersreads I'm not sure I retain much when I read non-fiction right before bed. Someday I'll learn 😁 7y
rubyslippersreads @gossamerchild I'd worry more that it would give me creepy dreams! 😱 7y
gossamerchild @rubyslippersreads it's not creepy at all! A lot if it is myth busting, really. 7y
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This was a REALLY well detailed and researched book about Rasputin. I enjoyed how the author shared so many sources and explained personal biases those sources may have had. I'm glad I listened on #audiobook as I don't know how well I'd have done reading such a long nonfiction book!

Megabooks I'm considering this one! 7y
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#audiostickering 😀 starting on Madonna while listening to the longest audiobook I've ever listened to! But it's really interesting! #audiobook

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Beer and this crazy Russian....been a long week, Friday night means drinking and reading #fridaynight #litsypartyofone

LeahBergen Perfect! 7y
valeriegeary That guy is so creepy..... 7y
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It's my favorite #nonfiction book in this year, so far ... very rich, well researched book about Rasputin and his place in history.


i.z.booknook Oooh I'm currently listening to the audiobook! I agree! Very well researched and lovely details 👏🏻 7y
Simona @TheAliceEvers I have listened audiobook too, but I like it so much that I need to have physical copy also 😊 7y
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Next up in my literary odyssey through Russian history. #currentlyreading #rasputin

MrBook Ah, a nice thick nonfiction read. 😎👍🏻 7y
gossamerchild @MrBook yep, nothing like a huge book on Rasputin to make a summer day perfect 😉 7y
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Went on a walk along the Thames to start my new #audiobook ! 😃 However I think those rainclouds might be telling me to turn back... 😂☁️

Really enjoyed the start of the audiobook though! So interesting and detailed but not hard to follow! Can't wait to listen to the rest ❤📚

Moray_Reads Something's brewing over London... 7y
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I'm still newbie in audiobooks world, but if you like incredible well researched nonfiction history books this is must read. The narrator is okay, nothing special, but the content is superb!

#marchintoreading #awesomeaudiobooks

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This guy!!! This friggin' guy!!! Though I'm not picking it up just yet, I'm excited for this one.

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This is guy is the closest to me on #funfridayphoto, I figure he may have been an alien so.....

MrBook I want this! 7y
Kristy_K Lol. You may very well be right about that. 7y
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For me #bestofFebruary is biography/portrait of a mad monk Rasputin.


rachellayown 👏👏👏 7y
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The book is a comprehensive record of Rasputin's whole life, with the focus on his relationship to the imperial family. Biography is based on a different sources and documents, and where is a source vague or unreliable, author explicitly draw attention to it. Probably, the most thoroughly researched book on Rasputin I've read so far and essential reading for all who are interested in how the Siberian peasant managed to become ... 👇

Simona ... the most powerful/influential man in Russia. The book is an excellent answer to the question - what is true and what is myth. (edited) 7y
pppooraikul Thanks for sharing this! 7y
Kristy_K I saw this book and B&N and was waiting to see if it was any good. Great review! Just stacked. 😁 7y
Simona @pppooraikul You are welcome 😊 7y
Simona @Kristy_K If you are interested in Russian history (or just in Rasputin) this is the 'must read'. 7y
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Oh my. #want I just read an article about this and wowzers, does it sound good. Anyone read it yet?

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#May vanquisher of tasselled bookmarks #catsofLitsy

BookishMarginalia 😻😻😻 7y
LeahBergen Oh no! 😂😂 7y
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Bookzombie 💕🐱 7y
Emory 😻 7y
britt_brooke 💚💚💚 7y
Joybishoptx 💕😻❤ 7y
GlitteryOtters 😻😽💕 7y
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It was a glorious sunny today and I started day with a new audiobook. Rasputin - my companion for next 33 hours on the walks.

rubyslippersreads 😂😂😂 7y
kspenmoll What a contrast!!!📚 7y
Simona @kspenmoll Yes it's, but it was beautiful sunny day and the book is very interesting (so far). 7y
Suet624 Where the heck do you live???? 7y
Simona In the most beautiful place on the earth - Slovenia 😁😉 7y
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Thursday nights.

Tanzy13 🐱 8y
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So far I am loving this book

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Brought my girls to a water park

Books_Wine_Repeat Indoor water park. That's genius! #jealous 8y
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Now onto this

MicheleinPhilly The background is the world's most effective ad for sleep. 😴 8y
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Thanks to a BAM gift card I received for helping a friend out this big book is coming home with me thanks to @Liberty and @MrBook for letting me know this existed

MrBook Niiiiice 😎👌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻!!! Hope you enjoy it! Eager to hear your thoughts when finished 😊👍🏻! 8y
ChasingOm Wait. Are you in West Virginia?! 😄 8y
CallMeIshmael @ChasingOm yes! I work at the state Capitol 8y
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ChasingOm I'd recognize our rotunda anywhere. 😊I'm a political consultant here (and grew up in Hurricane). 8y
CallMeIshmael @ChasingOm I live in Hurricane now 8y
ChasingOm Crazy small world! 8y
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#TBRtemptation post! Wow! Look at these four! I really, really want to tackle these in 2017 ?. @BookBabe and I may already have "Victoria" on Audible ?. The one in the upper-left corner is "The Fleet At Flood Tide", by James Hornfischer. I love history. Makes me all giddy and my heart palpitate a little stronger. What do you think of this quartet?

TheBookAddict Quick question: Is there ever a day that you don't go to a bookstore? Obviously not counting the days that they're closed. Not trying to be snarky, I'm actually a bit jealous. 😔 😂 🤓💕📚💕 8y
Reviewsbylola I am most looking forward to Victoria! 8y
JoeStalksBeck Check out the book Denial: Holocaust on Trial. Staggering 8y
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CallMeIshmael I love litsy for this reason! I didn't even know this book existed 8y
rubyslippersreads I already have Victoria and Rasputin on my TBR list. They make a lovely couple. 😄 8y
SharonGoforth Those look great! I love history, too ☺️ 8y
LauraJ Yep, Rasputin has been tempting me. 8y
kspenmoll Want them all! 8y
Nonaroo I just bought Victoria the Queen but I want the Rasputin book. 8y
MrBook @TheBookAddict 😂😂👏🏻👏🏻👍🏻! Mmmmaybe, mmmmaybe not 😜! Ooh! Will do!!! @Reviewsbylola Goodness, it's getting rave reviews, isn't it 😊?! @CallMeIshmael 😁👏🏻👏🏻🙌🏻! So, in that case, you'd better always stay very active on here 😎👌🏻! @rubyslippersreads 😂😂😂😂👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻!!!!!! @SharonGoforth Oh yeah 😁👍🏻🙌🏻! #KindredSpirits! @LauraJ After all these years, huh? 😂👏🏻🙌🏻! @kspenmoll #FreddieMercury would be very proud of you 8y
MrBook @Nonaroo I like how you think 😉👍🏻! 8y
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Just received an 800-page book about Rasputin and I already wish it was in my brain! Because of my love for Hellboy, I will read anything involving Rasputin, Baba Yaga, and/or pancakes.

callunakeep I know nothing of Hellbot, but love anything Rasputin and Baba Yaga! This book goes on the TBR for sure! 8y
KVanRead Ra Ra Rasputin!🎤😂 8y
Abailliekaras Ha am thinking of Boney M too! Also loved the romanovs by Simon sebag montefiore and Teffi's story of meeting him. 8y
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Aluciddream Don't forget kittens and beer 8y
Autumn I don't know who or what Hellboy is but I am with you on Rasputin! 8y
heikemarie I had the privilege of teaching my 7th graders about the Romanovs (and corollary characters) this year in conjunction with teaching the format of the book review. We got to look at so much and now they're as nerdy about it as me. 8y
[DELETED] 1409720085 Baba Yaga is incredibly fascinating to me right now. I can't get enough. 8y
JacintaMCarter I once read an 800-page book on the Romanovs for the 100 pages about Rasputin I needed for a paper. I think this book would have served me better. 8y
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