Twinning with your books is highly recommended.
Twinning with your books is highly recommended.
Oh my goodness, this book - that ending! The story kept me on my toes, broke my heart a little, and held on to me until the end.
Oh man. This book - written with such love and compassion and honesty - fed my hungry heart. So good.
Oh man, Gloria Steinem broke me down and buoyed me at every turn. I am still turning over lines from this book that make me consider how I move through the world. So good.
Thoroughly entertaining and really interesting to see how the author worked with the structure and agreed-upon (though unspoken) plot points in the story.
So many quotable lovelies in LAB GIRL, but this one sticks with me.
"Each beginning is the end of a waiting. We are each given exactly one chance to be. Each of us is both impossible and inevitable. Every replete tree was first a seed that waited."
Wonderful book! Accessible and informative. The interesting story of a life's work, told in heartfelt, sometimes lyrical prose. So good.
What a wonderful book! A prayer, a celebration, a meditation, a witness - to birth and pregnancy, motherhood and womanhood, art and love. Gorgeous.
So, so good. I needed the quiet walk of a Mary Oliver collection, and this was perfect - full of life but still and quiet and noticing. Gorgeous.
I swore to myself I would finish this book before the baby came, and in a fevered sprint, I did so last night - and I'm so glad I did! Fantastic, fast-paced, exciting! Such a fun read, possibly my favorite for the year!
That moment when you realize your most recent library haul shares the same due date as your baby, and then the moment right after when things get REALLY real.
Hilarious and poignant - I'm so glad I finally got my hot little hands on it! Disarming to be laughing out loud at a chapter and then realize, oh crap, I totally do that. That's the Dana Rage Spiral. But also, nice to see it isn't just me. (I'm not alone!)
Read this years ago, but I always take Apron Anxiety into the kitchen with me to make banana bread, heavy on chocolate chips and comfort and indulgence.
The Lumberjanes just never disappoint, and I loved this volume so much! Action-packed, fun, and I like getting to know the girls even more.
So, so good. So poignant. I came to know Carrie Brownstein thru Portlandia, but I was glad to read this memoir of her life in music. Because more than just a rocker memoir, it's the story of trying to find one's place, how to fit, how to satiate that desperate, clawing hunger.
Such a bittersweet book about Knisley traveling on a cruise with her very elderly grandparents - full of the work and frustration, but also those golden sweet moments.
Pre-dinner reading and snacks. Loving this book, and I'm only on day three of her journey. Bittersweet.
What a great, exhaustive resource! I knew so very little about breastfeeding before this book, and I'm really glad I checked it out.
"But a little baby isn't built, stomach or soul, to be away from her source of all things good -- you."