⭐️⭐️⭐️💫 Fun, modern day Pride and Prejudice retelling.
I was surprised to like this novel so well! I am not a fan of Austen. S&S only made me want to throw the book. I willingly took a chance on this modern P&P retelling. It was difficult to enjoy any of the characters except for Liz, but she & Darcy made up for the toxic rest. I don‘t know if the plot bore any similarities to P&P, but Sittenfeld‘s short scenes kept me reading “just a little more” until the end. An incredulous ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️for Eligible.
A 21st century retelling of Pride & Prejudice, I kept wondering if the author actually even liked the Austen classic she was modernizing? Many of her choices for bringing the Bennets into the present day did so at the expense of their characters. I also took issue with her writing style — bloated with superfluous, superficial details & the occasional SAT word. I only managed to finish by looking at it as bad fanfiction.
Super fun, very clever, and still fresh even if I knew how it would end. I would love a little more time with the characters at the end instead of the sort of strange last chapter
As someone who lives in cincy, so fun to read my favorite classic novel retold in my city. As a lover of P&P though, I found I hated Liz and couldn‘t feel any real chemistry between Darcy and her. The mom was just as hated as always, so it achieved that!
Listening to this #Audiobook.
I‘m not digging it.
Yes, I see the elements of P&P in the text.
But I‘m not liking Liz, she‘s too “headstrong and obstinate” for my taste.
Kitty and Lydia are vulgar.
And it‘s too contemporary for this girl who loves historical.
Hey US #pemberlittens!! I don‘t know much about Austen, but I do know this is a retelling of P&P 👍🏻
I am torn on this one. It was a fun frothy remake of P&P and I can appreciate some of the author's takes on it. However, the story line I did not appreciate was anything related to the issues of gender and racism. The way it was handled grated. Mrs Bennet's in particular - in the original, she was a bit flighty. In this, her portrayal was very flat in relation to her prejudices.
Other retellings were better I think.
Read this for #pemberlittens
Fun listen! I liked it much more than I thought I would!
I am posting one book per day from my extensive collection. No description. No explanation. Some will be old. Some will be new. Don't judge me. I have a lot of books. Join the fun if you want.
This is day 21
Original idea of- @StaceyKondla @cortg
Courtesy tags for @Trashcanman @Catherine_Willoughby
How exciting is it when you order a discounted book from Book Outlet and end up with a signed copy?!
#bookclub #Aprilpick
This modern reimagining of Austen‘s P&P was such a positive tonic!The Bennett‘s are relocated to Cincinnati. Because Mr Bennet had a heart attack, Jane, a yoga instructor, & Liz, a magazine writer, return from their homes NYC. A wild, smart, funny romp begins, with modern issues such transgender, paleo diets, artificial insemination,Reality TV - Chip Bingley first appears as a reality TV star. And of course Darcy is Darcy...
Thanks for the tag @EadieB ... #ISpy a book that is red! 🌹
@tracey38 @runswithscissors007 @JaclynW @MallenNC can you find a book that is pink? 🌸
#keeplitsypositive #bookclubpick #bloomingbibliophiles #sunshine
When walking in my neighborhood, on different days I have come across positive messages, in words and symbols, on sidewalks & rocks.This is today‘s find.It appeared when I truly needed it- long overwhelming work day, anxiety high in my household, clouds, wind, no sun. This sun makes me happy.☀️
#sundayread#laughoutloud #prideandprejudice #bookclub
Only on p. 7, but Mrs. Bennet is such a Mrs.Bennet! She is making me laugh. This book was a birthday gift from my sister, then our bookclub picked it for something to counteract our real lives. 😂😂
#socks #JaneAusten #reading #bookclub #Aprilpick #catsoflitsy #keeplitsypositive
Displaying my Jane Austen socks, a gift from the same sister who finally got me to read Pride and Prejudice!
#feelgoodreads #mysteryfun #bookclub #Aprilpick
My school district is open tomorrow. May close Monday. I Plan to open these books next week for some light fare.
My son‘s anxiety levels skyrocketing so my husband and I plan to stay close to him through this. Every step of the way. 💕💕💕
#bookclub #Aprilpick #JaneAustin #PrideandPrejudice #modernretelling
Just home from a wonderful book club meeting. April‘s pick is tagged book.
The event to which Mrs. Bennet was referring was the annual fundraising luncheon for the Cincinnati Women‘s #League, scheduled this year for the 2nd Thurs in Sept. A member of the league since her 20‘s, Mrs. Bennet was for the 1st time the luncheon‘s planning chair & as she often reminded her family members, the enormous pressure & responsibility of the role left her, however lamentably, unavailable to tend to her husband‘s recovery. #QuotsyFeb20
In homage to Pride and Prejudice, Sittenfeld writes a modern day Bennet-Darcy comedic drama, in which Mrs Bennet‘s hope for weddings for her daughters turns complicated. I‘ve heard mixed reviews on this one...haven‘t had a chance to read it, but did score a cheap copy to try it out! #TheRingGoesSouth #SoaringScores
Got to donate this amazing book to my local #littlefreelibrary with a surprise Artmark for whomever finds it. Highly recommended read!
After Finishing Northanger Abbey today, began looking for any news on The Austen Project. Apparently ithas faded away due to poor response or lack of Authors willing to do. No sign of Mansfield Park or Persuasion. Of the 4 Pride and Prejudice and Emma were Picks. Sense and Sensibility and Northanger Abbey were Pans. So make whole series a So-So. 😏
A lovely Tuesday off😴 almost done with this and excited to see how Sittenfeld will end it
#MayMovieMagic Nothing says #ModernLove more than a Jane Austen retelling ❤️The Bennett Family has been relocated to the suburbs of Cincinnati, Liz is a magazine writer & Jane a yoga instructor. And the hot bachelor is a former reality TV star. The novel captures the spirit of the original, while cleverly weaving in elements (bypass surgery, the Paleo diet, high tech venture capitalists) that make the story very 21st century. I liked it❣️
3/5 stars. Some of the changes i found interesting, some of them i found completely against what the original characters would have done. Not my favorite, but not terrible.
Getting slightly more interesting. Still doing things that i was not expecting. That reveal in the second part totally threw me for a loop. Adds a new layer to the story, but I‘m not sure what‘s going to happen next. About 100 pages left in the book.
I feel like it‘s already half way through the book, and i still have 350 pages left... 🤦🏻♀️ that‘s the problem with retellings i guess, I‘m constantly comparing them to the original.
I enjoyed this book more than I maybe should have. The storyline (albeit tacky and unrealistic) manages to suck you in somehow. It took me 50 pages to really get into it, but if you‘re looking for a chick flick in book form (with romance, reality TV, and wealthy family drama), this is it. I love Jane Austen so it was fun to find the parallels between this book and P&P. And, I gotta say... I‘m looking forward to The Bachelorette even more now.
I really should quit doing this to myself. I swear off Jane Austen retellings, but then one gets lots of buzz on social media, and I get sucked in. I didn't hate it, but I didn't love it. It was clever in places and cringy in places. Typical of an adaptation.
I didn‘t like this retelling of Pride and Prejudice. There were some strange twists & things thrown in that just felt kinda icky. The characters were the same the throughout the book. I felt like there so little chemistry between Liz and Darcy too. Overall it was kind of entertaining to read. I still love me a good temporary romance of course but this one just didn‘t work quite well for me. ⭐️⭐️
I swear I do things besides cuddle with my dog on the couch and read. I just don‘t remember what they are. 🐶📖
Do you have a book that just is like a security blanket? When things are rough and you can‘t tell up from down you just dive into it and it helps settle everything inside. This is that book for me. Just downloaded the audio version from my library. It‘ll be the 3rd time I‘ve read it. #read2019 #onwardandupward
🎥 Where the Heart Is
📚 Eligible by Curtis Sittenfeld
🎶 Don‘t Go Breaking My Heart by Elton John
#manicmonday @JoScho
“I apologize for misreading the situation so egregiously.” Aahhh Darcy! ❤️ I‘m enjoying this book so much!
A modern version of Pride & Prejudice set in Cincinnati. Liz writes for a magazine, Darcy is a doctor, and the family drama is hilarious!
Last week found us hunkered down at home for the beginning of the week due to cold temps and the latter part? Well we were passing around the plague...ok so I'm being dramatic, but a fever and upper respiratory are 😫. So we ventured out for some thrifting tonight after work. I FINALLY found a copy of Eligible! @biblio_ginger got me American Wife last week through a swap. Two more and I have everything Curtis has written 😍. (cont. in comments)