Different thinking styles and their theories. Interesting read.
Different thinking styles and their theories. Interesting read.
MBTI nuts eat your heart out!
This is cute. I love the way Ruth views the world. A few chuckles were had on my end. Her writing style is unique. A great read. Thought provoking.
This short book provides further insight into the inner world of the empathic INFJ. Going as far as to validate some of the daily struggles that come with being an empath/ highly sensitive person.
Setting boundaries, understanding the self and enabling others to understand you are some of the key undertones.
Useful little tool to add to your toolkit!
If you‘re an INFJ with a heavily introverted temperament, this is the book for you. Approximately 60 pages in length to enjoy with your morning cuppa, but packed full of little information nuggets. Well worth the read. Enjoy!
This book reads so pretty.
It‘s well informed & taps into human behaviour. It is extremely grounding & self-aware.
I found myself smiling throughout.
Beautifully written.
Clinical studies which provide evidence based advice and guidance for those who wish to empower themselves by investing in their long term health. A MUST read!
Evidenced based. Numerious case studies. Thought provoking. Useful tool.