Reading this great book for #24in48!
Reading this great book for #24in48!
First book of 2017! Fun graphic novel about the craziness of wedding planning.
This is one of those book series I feel safe giving to my grandma, but anyone else I'll tell not to waste their time. The mystery was interesting, but Hannah was such an immature drip it felt like she was serving some weird perfect daughter wish fulfillment for the author. Hard pass.
I'm hate reading this book. I had hoped that maybe all the weird relationship bits would improve from earlier in the series but they haven't. If it turns out Hannah DOESN'T get married at the end if the book, I'll be tempted to toss it across the room.
The good news is I still have one book left to read in this trilogy. The bad news us I only have one book left in the trilogy to read. Such is life.
Omg guys this book blew my mind open. I'm going to shove it into all of my friends hands at every opportunity!!
Guys i met Nancy Pearl at work today! I might have fangirled a little bit and she is super sweet!
I'm spend a quiet rainy Sunday reading a cozy mystery. I really like this one, the author adds enough details to illustrate village life and I'm enjoying the spy turned Vicar main character.
I struggled to review this book. I decided to recommend it because I started reading it to kill time at the hairdressers and it sucked me in until i had to finish it. However, i didn't like the ending but that's my preference. But if you like your heroes to have an edge--give this book a try!
I'm conflicted. This book sucked me in, but lost me in the middle, and then drew me back in at the end when all the threads were woven in together. I would recommend if you like mysteries with a slight paranormal bent, but this isn't a book i feel the need to push into everyone's hands.
I'm in awe by authors who can say so much in such a short span. Binti could easily have been longer, but it was perfect as a novella. Short, sweet, and with a message that was much needed this week.
Of course once i started i couldn't put it down. BUT this book is kinda beginning to feel similar to the previous 2, which i hope isn't the case. I like the addition of some new characters to replace old ones lost and i am looking forward to see what happens in the next book.
Guys, i might have made an impulse buy when i went to the bookstore yesterday. 😅
I devoured this book over the course of a few days. It wasn't perfect by any means, but so enjoyable. I only wish the story got going sooner--as soon as the plot started picking up speed it ended with a blurb for the next book. I don't know if i can wait another year! ðŸ˜
This book is amazing. It captures that weird period between graduation and college when things are ending and beginning at the same time. There is love, magic, death, life, and it's so beautiful I want to push it into everyone's hands--even those who believe YA is beneath them.
Highly recommended. Funny and a little salty, so be warned if language and frank talk might make you uncomfortable. Otherwise it provided lots of funny quotes and food for thought.
I had high hopes for this book. It was on a reading list i got at Geek Girl Con. It had a female main character. It was a YA novel with a little bit of mystery tossed in. Despite that all the elements didn't quite gel, the plot left me bored, and wishing I was reading anything else.
"Anxiety is a feeling grown to large. A feeling grown aggressive and dangerous. You're responsible for its consequence, you're responsible for treating it. You're not responsible for causing it. You're not morally at fault for it. No more than you would be for a tumor." Patrick Ness
Spending a lazy Saturday drinking coffee and reading some YA.