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Joined December 2016

I will stop and pet your dog on the street, I will put my nose in a book (can't beat that smell), and I will forever be on Team Oxford. 📚
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opinions please! Really considering purchasing a Kindle. I want to know if it‘s worth it! During the winter when it‘s snowy and cold I don‘t want to leave the house but still want to read! Let me know! 🤔🤔🤔

DGRachel I love mine. I definitely think it‘s worth it. 6y
Tamra I recently purchased a PaperWhite because we camp long periods in the middle of nowhere and you know .......Book problem. I was pleasantly surprised that it‘s comfy & no glare, less screen like. That being said, I‘ll probably always prefer paper. But sometimes Kindle deals are great! 6y
Alfoster Love my kindle too! And I was a die-hard print book fan before that! And yes, so many great book deals for Kindles😍😍😍! 6y
GabriannaLikesToRead Thank you!! I‘m always going to prefer paper but sometimes the convenience of a kindle I think would just be lovely especially for traveling ! I just wanted to see if it was worth it or if the technology just isn‘t there yet but I‘m so glad to hear everyone loving them. I will definitely be purchasing one now! 6y
Readerann I love mine for traveling, but one word of warning. I had one freeze and die at the beginning of an international flight, so I always have one backup print book now. My current one (cheapest model) is two years old and still going strong. And yes, the $1.99 Kindle deals are great! 6y
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Starting the new year out right! Time to start training this ol' brain of mine. Tired of having a foggy mind, time for some change!

emilyhaldi I have the worst memory! Definitely going to take a look at this book 😉 8y
GabriannaLikesToRead Haha right! I must get better at retaining information💪 📚 8y
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Essential: Essays by The Minimalists | Joshua Fields Millburn, Ryan Nicodemus
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Starting my New Years resolutions ... thinking a mobile library would be a wonderful new way to go 💕

MyNamesParadise I wish I could just drive around, be a nomad, go from town to town with my books. Sounds perfect! 8y
Texreader Welcome to Litsy!! 8y
Tigerbook Looks like a dream! 8y
Jaimelire This would be pure joy! 8y
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Now it's time to pick what to read... or reread next. 📖📖📖📖📖 What is everyone else reading right now? I need to update my library! #alwaysneedmorebooks #readbooks #whattoreadnext #readallthegenres!

DebinHawaii I really loved My Life in France. 👍📚 8y
GabriannaLikesToRead Me too @DebinHawaii ! That's why I purchased Provence, 1979 by Luke Barr. I have yet to read it, but anything with Julia Child, I am sure it will be a great read! 8y
MrBook Whoa 😳! #NiceStack! 😎👌🏻 8y
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The Circle | Dave Eggers
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"But the tools you guys create actually manufacture unnaturally extreme social needs. No one needs that level of contact you're purveying." Finally reading the Circle! Real page-turner so far. Not sure how I feel about immediately wanting to post about it on social media though ? ironic?

LiteraryinLawrence Welcome to Litsy! 8y
RiotMom Welcome! 8y
GabriannaLikesToRead Thanks @LiteraryinLititz and @RiotMom ! I'm so excited to have stumbled onto this platform! 8y
MrBook Welcome to @Litsy 😁👏🏻! We hope you enjoy your stay 😊👍🏻. 8y
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