I just read this for the second time. Harry Potter books are good to the point where they are highly enjoyable even if it‘s a reread. #harrypotter
I just read this for the second time. Harry Potter books are good to the point where they are highly enjoyable even if it‘s a reread. #harrypotter
So, if there was a dictionary about books and authors, this is what you‘d find under Rick Riordan: The best author in the world, author of countless mythology series. #rickriordan #heroesofolympus #percyjackson
This book looks really good and I‘m ready to read this this as soon as I finish Charlotte Doyle
So I‘m about a third of the way through the book, and I‘m still kind of stuck. I want to side with the sailors and crew, especially now that the captain killed Cranick, but there‘s a tiny bit of me that still wants to be on the side of the captain, so, I really don‘t know. #trueconfessionsofcharlottedoyle
Top 5 series Harry Potter #Harrypotter Land of Stories #LandofStories Percy Jackson #Percyjackson Hunger Games #hungergames The Mysterious Benedict Society #Mysteriousbenedictsociety
Mockingjay was absolutely AMAZING. I can‘t believe prim dies, or coin, or finick. I‘m not a fan of the killings of these characters (except for coin) but I must say I agree with someone who posted something like this in the hashtag: I like that Collins is able to kill of major characters. It make the book more interesting than it already was. The Hunger Games Trilogy is no officially my fourth favorite book ever. #hungergames
Okay I‘m so incredibly close to finishing the book, and I can‘t believe the way that prim dies. Ike‘s she did, but not coin dropping the bomb. And it was a total plot twist when Katniss killed coin. Currently she‘s on her way to district 12
I have to say, I‘m not even done with Mockingjay yet, but it is so good. I‘m about 80% of the way through the book, and I‘m still anticipating Prim‘s death. I had been watching a YouTube video a week ago and it spoiled prims death. Anyway the series is still amazing