Has anyone read #feministfightclub? I read I'm judging you recently and this came up as recommended so I thought I would give it a go... would love to hear what you thought! #books #imjudgingyou #feminist
Has anyone read #feministfightclub? I read I'm judging you recently and this came up as recommended so I thought I would give it a go... would love to hear what you thought! #books #imjudgingyou #feminist
I'm addicted... I bought a load of Russian Lit recently with some Christmas vouchers and this book has me gripped. I can't decide if I like or hate H.H, obviously his character is not a nice one really but I almost feel sorry for him! What did you think of the book?
#lolita #russianclassics #waterstones
I'm afraid I cannot explain myself, sir. Because I am not myself, you see?
#AliceInWonderland #books #classics #clothboundclassics
On my way to London today to visit a friend, I've taken this to read in the train. Can't wait to get started... has anyone read I'm judging you? What did you think? #books #train #judgingyou #luvvie #luvvieajayi
This book is undoubtedly one of the funniest books I read last year! I was a bit sceptical as I'd not heard of the author before and wondered if it would be too silly but I rate it so highly and I was laughing the whole way through! Very Forest Gump in the way it flits through time and he inadvertently ends up in many of the great moments in history- fantastic! #books #toppicks
I love reading this classic Sherlock Holmes tale. I read it once in school and didn't really rate it but now that I'm older I read it time and time again. The gorgeous cover by Roads Publishing makes this book really stand out on my shelf as well! 😍 #Sherlock #sherlockholmes #books