His family was old money, the kind of money they got off the Mayflower with a pink polo shirt and desirable teatime.
I am grateful that Dara thinks enough of me to tell me the problem and give me the opportunity to fix it instead of simply walking away. Ignoring it, like I try to do.
Then Ruby had come downstairs and interrupted them, but their argument continued, in disrupted fragments, with nothing gained or conceded on either side because when you argued about your child there was no compromise or turning away from what you believed was right.
An angry daughter is like an angry hen. The more you chase, the harder it is to catch her. You wait, and be patient, and hope that eventually she comes to you.
I find over the next few days that acceptance is the way to go. You have to bend your mind around from the path that it has always taken to a path where your own direction does not matter. You are there for someone else. It is easier if you don't struggle against that...
Into the silence rips a sound that makes me let go of Max's hand and cover my ears. It is like the strafe of a bullet, nails on a chalkboard, promises being broken. It's a note I have never heard - this chord of pure pain - and it takes a moment to realize it is coming from me.
Then, without needing to speak, together they hold the clay urn up over the water and tilt it until the last few ashes are emptied.
Really enjoyed this first book in the Dr. Samantha Owens series! She's a forensic pathologist and she gets involved with some shady characters. She's got a tragedy in her past and that makes her very relatable.
"The smells were right. The air, cold and dead, whispering from the vents. The warm musk of blood, the slight meaty scent of open bodies. Metallic notes from the stainless tables and scales, overlaid with the squeaky markers used on the whiteboards."
"Who had been fighting with someone they loved? Going at it long enough to unleash the irretrievable words they knew to say only because they had been trusted to know what would hurt the most."