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About Grace
About Grace | Anthony Doerr
About Grace is the brilliant debut novel from Anthony Doerr, author of Pulitzer Prize-winning All The Light We Cannot See.
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About Grace | Anthony Doerr
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The writing is gorgeous. But I had a really hard time with the protagonist. He is an unbelievably self-centered stalker and mooch who never considers anything except his own overwhelming needs and wants. He treats the women in his life with utter disregard because of his own extreme emotional issues that he desperately needs therapy to help solve. Too many men like him already in the world. We don‘t need another treated as some tragic hero.

About Grace | Anthony Doerr
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Truly beautiful language surrounding nature, weather and the world, from ice and snow to sun and tropical sea.
Tale of a chap seeking his daughter and family after leaving them 25 years earlier.

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About Grace | Anthony Doerr
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Such beautiful language.
Such riveting allegories between insects and life, meteorological aspects and the world.
Not a fast mover but so in depth.

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About Grace | Anthony Doerr
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This has been on my shelf for almost exactly one-year... I think I've been saving it. I adored his Light book, was left bereft when it finished. I also loved his Rome book. So I think I was kind of savouring this by having it in my shelf... but started it today 😊😊😍😍😍

About Grace | Anthony Doerr
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⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐So beautiful and wonderfully written. I absolutely loved it.

About Grace | Anthony Doerr
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My mom is visiting for the first time since February - and it's been a doozy of a post-separation (mine) visit... She did however lend me this after I made her read All the Light We Cannot See a few years ago. Of course the pretty reading outside while the kids jump on the trampoline lasted only a few moments...

Cathythoughts Enjoy your mums visit ... ❤️ book looks good 4y
MommyWantsToReadHerBook @Cathythoughts thanks. It's mostly been unbelievably stressful 😳 My mom is very critical at the best of times, and these are not the best of times! 4y
Cathythoughts Mind yourself 😘 4y
MommyWantsToReadHerBook @Cathythoughts thank you, I'm trying to 😘 4y
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About Grace | Anthony Doerr
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#bookreport finished the top three from last weeks forecast. Loved them all. Read Fleishman yesterday, thought provoking, annoying and well written. Started About Grace in bed last night, only read a couple of chapters and not doing it for me yet, but will give a bit longer this morning.

Cinfhen Good reading week!!! I‘m stlll finishing up some books/ listens 4y
TrishB @Cinfhen I‘ve given up on About Grace....so slow I‘m going backwards.... 4y
Cinfhen Too bad but #SoManyBooksSoLittleTime Do u want to try the NF u sent me??? I could squeeze it in this week 4y
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TrishB @Cinfhen good for me! No reading plans after current one so works well. 4y
Cinfhen Oh good!!! I‘ll start it tonight 🤞🏼🤞🏼our track record doesn‘t look too promising \ hopefully we can start fresh in 2020 4y
TrishB @Cinfhen 🤞🏻🤞🏻 new year, new us 😁 4y
Balibee146 I wasn't keen on All The Light We Cannot See - wouldn't be keen to read him again so this seals that for me. Bummer but plenty more and better books to make you happy 📚 4y
TrishB @Balibee146 so true!! 4y
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About Grace | Anthony Doerr
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Very, very slowly this grew on me. Like the dreams (or premonitions?) of David, the main character, the writing had a dreamlike quality. At first I felt impatient with it but once I settled in and let it wash over me it was like watching the car crash of David‘s life, in very, very slow motion. Not in a bad way. Not an entirely believable story overall but it was moving and worth the slow pace, as long as you‘ve got the patience!

TrishB I‘m feeling very impatient with it at the moment!! 80 pages in and I‘m just bored, even though the writing is lovely! 4y
JillR @trishb it was definitely incredibly slow, I thought it was worth it in the end but I must have been feeling particularly patient at the time! 4y
TrishB I‘ve put into hibernation at the moment, as I think there‘s a good story, maybe I‘m waiting for my patient day! 4y
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About Grace | Anthony Doerr
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I‘ll admit this little cartoon in the Guardian caught my eye and made me smile last weekend as I struggled through the first third of the tagged book... So, which is it?! Watch this space, I‘m hoping to finish it tonight!

Cathythoughts I‘m watching this space 👍🏻 6y
JillR @cathythoughts hoping I‘m not being too ambitious about finishing tonight! 😆 6y
Cathythoughts One can but try 👍🏻😊 6y
Moray_Reads We've all wondered this at some point 😆 6y
minkyb Love this! 6y
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About Grace | Anthony Doerr
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I really enjoyed All the Light We Cannot See; looking forward to this which I think might be his first novel.

BookNAround I read this one years ago and thought it was beautifully done. 6y
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About Grace | Anthony Doerr
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Fiiiiiinally done with this!!!! Took me over a year to read this through. Learned that even though Doerr writes really well he definitely is not for me. I need things happening in my books. I'm going to give it a So-so because writing and characters worked really well but otherwise the book wasn't for me. Also the edition is really pretty. 😊 ❄❄❄

About Grace | Anthony Doerr
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This writer might have gotten the concept of winter a bit wrong:

Water freezing is a pretty quiet process. The sound certainly doesn't echo through the mountains. As it says here. When the ice from rivers and lakes melt that can be loud. But not the other way around.

-29 is a cold temperature but it's still doable. A person who has spent most of the winter in a cold cabin could certainly spend more than 3 minutes outside even if it's -29.

About Grace | Anthony Doerr
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@LapReader Thank you SO much for everything! I am so thrilled! My socks are soft and warm...perfect for winters in the mountains. I haven‘t read ether book and they both look wonderful. The soap smells lovely, the adorable keychain and that collpsable water bottle is great for when I move (I have to keep hydrated when I move to high altitude). My daughter, the cook, will steal that spice pack for sure. Great swap. Thank you!!! ❤️ #sockswap

AmyG @JPeterson #sockswap And thank YOU for oganizing. This was a fun one. 6y
LapReader Yay! So glad you are happy xo 6y
JPeterson Great haul! 😊 6y
LeeRHarry That all looks fab - love the keyring!😊 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Very nice!!! ❤️❤️❤️ 6y
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About Grace | Anthony Doerr
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#bookhaul from day one of Clunes Booktown. Who knows how many will find their way into my hands tomorrow.

Cathythoughts I have Never Let Me go on the shelf... I think it should be good. 👍🏻❤️ 6y
EvieBee Nice!!! 6y
Victoria_Clyne You picked up an Ian McEwan 6y
Joanne1 @Cathythoughts I hope so! That was a complete impulse buy. @Victoria_Clyne I did! On my TBR too so that's a bonus. 6y
Victoria_Clyne @Joanne1 I really enjoyed Nutshell. I a really interesting concept. If you enjoy it, come and check out what other Ian McEwan books I have. 6y
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About Grace | Anthony Doerr
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This is such a slow book! I've been forcing myself to read it but I just can't do it at the moment! ☹ It's not bad as a book it just has a slow moving plot. I'm so going to read the rest of this at some point but not right now. I need something fun and easy! Just don't quite know what that might be yet. 🤔

About Grace | Anthony Doerr
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Beautiful writing.

Grace | Anthony Doerr, Manni Kssler

Underbar läsning

Grace | Anthony Doerr, Manni Kssler

Om David som efter 26 år återvänder till Alaska för att leta efter sin dotter.
En vackert skriven bok. Doerr har än en gång gjort sin läxa med att underbygga den väl, denna gång med naturvetenskapliga fakta. Trots att jag är imponerad, gick det långsamt för mig att läsa. Vissa delar är detaljerade och det kanske inte var sort läsning jag behövde just nu. Dessutom är det en bok som utmärker sig med antalet för mig obekanta svenska ord.

About Grace | Anthony Doerr
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This is a sad and beautiful book about relationships of all kinds: romantic, paternal, platonic. Doerr evokes a strong sense of place with vivid prose about the majesty and indifference of the natural world. His characters are broken, lonely and incomplete, yet they still manage to find beauty and meaning in what they can.

Cinfhen Beautiful review 7y
Notafraidofwords Have you read all the light.... 7y
mauveandrosysky @Notafraidofwords I haven't. I should, right? 7y
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Notafraidofwords @mauveandrosysky omg omg run DONT walk to the bookstore right now and read it asap. I read it in like 3 sittings. 7y
mauveandrosysky @Notafraidofwords cool I'll definitely get it ASAP! I think you would really like this one too 7y
Notafraidofwords @mauveandrosysky it‘s on my list. I tried this other one by him but I‘m not a big short story collection fan 7y
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Grace | Anthony Doerr, Manni Kssler
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Jag älskade ”Ljuset vi inte ser”. Det blev kärlek vid första ögonkast även med denna❤️❤️❤️

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About Grace | Anthony Doerr
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syasutake I love About Grace! 💖 7y
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RealLifeReading Nice collection! Haven't read any of these though 7y
Caryl Olive K. ❤️ 7y
LeslieO @RealLifeReading Me neither! 7y
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About Grace | Anthony Doerr
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I appreciate Doerr's style of writing. It's very precise and deep. I haven't read All the Light We Cannot See but from what people have told me the extended, lyrical passages are one of his hallmarks. The story of a hydrologist working though the past and future and the loneliness and guilt of losing, then finding a family. This is a book that I wasn't able to read as quickly as I usually do. Worth a read if you're in the mood to think and learn.

About Grace | Anthony Doerr
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Vacation sometimes means sharing a bed and a booklight with a kid!

Creadnorthey How is this read? 7y
SarahRotenberry Just wrote my review this morning @Creadnorthey 📖 7y
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About Grace | Anthony Doerr
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Leyendo Sobre Grace con muchas expectativas y mucho miedo también ?

About Grace | Anthony Doerr
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Recent purchase ~ About Grace by Anthony Doerr (Kindle edition📱). I also have 'All the Light We Cannot See' on my to be read pile.📚

About Grace | Anthony Doerr
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Such a master with words... 😢

About Grace | Anthony Doerr
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With this I start the year of 2017 and my reading challenges. #LitsyReadingChallenge

About Grace | Anthony Doerr
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New books! One from a friend and another from Book Depository. *squeeeaaaalllssss*

About Grace | Anthony Doerr
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"No one wants to hear that the future is already determined. Death's success rate has been 100% so far, yet we still choose to call it a mystery"

pb47 The best I have read this summer 8y
Suet624 Great quote!!! 7y
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About Grace | Anthony Doerr
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My grandmother asked me to tell you she's sorry,
About Grace,
Vinegar Girl,
Under the harrow.

#spinepoetry #24in48

About Grace | Anthony Doerr
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I should not be allowed to go into a bookstore or French bakery with money. #booksandmacroons #litsy #bookriot #toomanybooks

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About Grace | Anthony Doerr
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As expected the writing was beautiful. About family, the kind we are given and the kind we choose. Interlaced with the everyday miracles of the natural world.

Noget om Grace | Anthony Doerr

Is anybody else finding this book difficult to get through?

About Grace | Anthony Doerr
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Enjoying a book about snowflakes one the sun.

About Grace | Anthony Doerr
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An angry daughter is like an angry hen. The more you chase, the harder it is to catch her. You wait, and be patient, and hope that eventually she comes to you.

About Grace | Anthony Doerr
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Death's success rate has been 100% so far, yet we still choose to call it a mystery.

About Grace | Anthony Doerr
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looking forward to this one since I loved All the Light We Cannot See SO MUCH. Also, beautiful cover. ❤️

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About Grace | Anthony Doerr
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I really liked this book. Maybe not as much as his other book, All the Light We Cannot See, which I loved, but this book is similarly well written. This is Doerr's first novel. It is about a father who has visions of the future and tries to track down his daughter. That doesn't do it justice.

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