🌟🌟🌟🌟 There was a moment I seriously almost DNF but I stuck through and was glad I did.
🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 So freaking intense! Relieved this one isn‘t a cliffhanger like Stillhouse Lake was. 😁 Kept me riveted and I stayed up until 1:30am because I had to finish it! LOL. 🤣 #jenireadabook #amazingbooksbyamazingwomen
Ok. I was really unsure after hearing all the controversy. I am beginning to better understand why a white author writing this story is problematic and may even make it harder for writers of color to get their own works published. So although I enjoyed the story overall and was touched by the fictional accounts of the migrants fleeing I was conflicted. I chose to borrow not buy and to read other authentic writers of color first. I‘m glad I did.
The afternoons feel a thousand hours long. Luca barely even changes positions on the couch as he reads. He moves when he finishes a book; he gets up to retrieve another from the shelf. - American Dirt by Jeanine Cummins, Chapter Nine, of. 75
The sons have well-stocked bookshelves in their rooms, gracias a Dios, so while they‘re out living their regular lives, Luca reads two or three books a day.
- American Dirt, by Jeanine Cummins, Chapter Nine, pg. 75
🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 So so so incredible, important, and inspirational! In the world we are currently living in, with the seemingly insurmountable differences that are already dividing our country, it‘s not unusual to hear average Americans expressing real fears of living to see a bonafide civil war in our beloved home. Never in my lifetime has the fear been more real than it is in today‘s political climate. This reminds us why we must stand for something!
🌟🌟🌟 I am having a tough time finding a good audiobook that I can enjoy and focus on without having to go back and “relisten” the same parts over and over. I think I‘ve been listening to so many thrillers/suspenses that everything else is sort of monotonous. 🤷♀️ The story was somewhat interesting but it read more like a non-fiction biography written about someone who you think you should care about but their actual life story is sort of dull.
🌟🌟🌟 This story was interesting but I found it a little adhd for me. Since I am adhd I have a hard time with stories that jump here and there and don‘t seem to have a point. I‘m still not sure what the purpose or moral or plot there was...#thingsthatmakeyougohmmm
🌟🌟🌟 I don‘t think I was in the right state of mind for this one. I listened to it on audio and had a hard time focusing on the storyline.
The second Maya looks away, Mom shoots me a wink. And there you have it: my new crowning achievement. I‘m pretty sure my mom is my wingwoman now.
🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Everyone should read this!
“His name is Weylyn, and yeah, I asked him to help us.”