A really amazing book! Loved the characters. All flawed and lovable! Started off very eye-roll quirky the first 20 pages or so and then I got captivated. Read it in three days after months of a reading slump! 4/5
A really amazing book! Loved the characters. All flawed and lovable! Started off very eye-roll quirky the first 20 pages or so and then I got captivated. Read it in three days after months of a reading slump! 4/5
Thoroughly enjoyed it. Felt sad that it wasn't as fleshed out as a novel, but found myself visually imagining it as a movie playing in my head 🤗
Weird art style that was kind of visually-appealing after a while...but the storyline was weird and the ending was weirder lol
Just finished! After over a year of trying to read this I finally finished! A lot of interesting facts that do make you question your decisions. The ending came off kind of preachy :/ but the beginning was amazing and very informative
I've been trying to read this book for over two years and after seeing a review video on YouTube I've picked it up again and I'm about 1/2 done with it. Pretty interesting stuff so far. Definitely going to look into Foer's fiction soon though.
Very interesting book! Political in a way. Very raw and gross and somehow very intuitive and kept you going. Love Burgess' intro and the magic of 21 in this book lol #symbolism
It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities
When you work at McDonald's and are reading this here 😂💁🏽
The book felt like it had to be directed towards people who had no idea what they wanted to be doing in regards to creativity. Did like her anecdotes and some of what she wrote about, but a lot felt redundant :/ it did have some beautiful writing though. Inspiration galore!
Started and finished this book today! Really got into it to the point where I wish it was longer. I got to the letter Z and realized there aren't many words that start with a Z!
It's okay if your work is fun for you, is what I'm saying. It's also okay if your work is healing for you, or fascinating for you, or redemptive for you, or if it's maybe just a hobby that keeps you from going crazy. It's even okay if your work is totally frivolous. That's allowed. It's all allowed.
I really liked her podcast when she was doing her publicity for this book but I don't know if I'm enjoying this that much. About halfway done and still can't decide if I want to keep going or not. 😪
Just finished this book! Short. Intelligent. Beautiful. Interesting. I've always hated physics and now I'm interested in it a little more 🙀
Finished this book at 2am. Partially because it was really interesting towards the end and partially because it's already overdue at the library. Kind of eh in the middle but the beginning and ending was interesting!