Currently reading The 5th Wave. Absolutely adoring it.
Finished The Hunger Games! On to the secound book of my 3-5 day read-a-thon! Next book; The Sisters Grimm (The Unusual Suspects Book 2) By - Michael Buckley
Hey! I'm doing a readathon from today to in three maybe five days!
-The Sisters Grimm By - Michael Buckley
-Tunnels By - Roderick Gordon & Brian Williams
-Hunger Games By - Suzanne Collins
-Lockdown By - Alexander Gordon Smith
-Always And Forever Lara Jean By - Jenny Han
-Battle For The Nether By - Mark Cheverton
-Kingdom Keepers By - Ridley Pearson
Just finished Harry Potter And The Sorceres Stone and oh my lord it was so good!! I took a quiz and figured out I was a Raven Claw. @icy2 you have to read this!
Just finished By Your side by Kasie West, think it may be my new favorite... Dunno yet.
~Warning massive spoilers :3~
This book has to be my favorite I've read this year so far. I just cannot believe Lara Jean. Why did she have to kiss Jhon Ambrose? What was the point? I LOVE how jealous Peter was though when he was giving back Lara Jean's necklace. But, WHY DID HE TAKE IT IN THE FIRST PLACE?? Like boi-
I'm only gonna be able to read like ten pages this weekend :c XD
@icy2 @Wolfie1011 Guess who got a new book~? You two can borrow it when I'm done if you're interested c:
It was a great book, and I love how everything that was on Geralds 30 day list failed in the end, whether the reader realised it or not.
Time to try and fail at a readathon because why not. I'm pathetic XD I want to finish at least three of these, but god knows that ain't going to happen. And this small readathon is probably going to travel into tomarrow. Lmao
It was amazing! I loved it so much. However, one thing didnt make sense to me. If Roy was talking to Dwayne on the phone, why didn't Dwayne come rescue him? I'm not sure.
Trying to get out of my reading slump! It sucks :c
Oh my god. I loved it. That was amazing and I can't. That was just too good. I cried. I uh must admit there are themes that children shouldn't read about (I'm not I child; I'm a wierdo) One being sex. I love the lack of curse words. The only one I noticed was when Josh said 'Fuck you' to Peter. SHIPS I cannot wait for @Pat1129willWINN to finish the secound book so I can borrow it. I hate and love that cliff hanger -crie-
Me just now - No, no, no, no, no, no, no, not Peter, make up a random guy...
Dear Pen Pal was amazing. I loved reading the letters and especially loved the prank. Lmao, awesome.
(Sorry, no picture. Just returned it to the library :c)
1. Over-sized t-shirt? Check.
2. Lamp? Check.
3. Book? Check.
4. Shane Dawson as a backround? HELLS TO THE YAS
Emergency Contact was beautifully written and character development was amazing! I loved it so so so much!!
"His shoulders were killer too..."
(The reason we can't wear off the shoulder shirts in school someone is gonna be like this. XD)
Top five books of 2018!
1. Take A Bow Elizabeth Eulberg
2. Girl, Stolen April Henry
3.Wings Of Fire (The Dragon Prophecy) Tui T. Sutherland
4.Gardener S. A. Bodeen
5. Ttyl Lauren Myracle
Wow, didn't expect that to be so hard!
Oh My Lord. That Ending. I want more time to process it. Let's just say, April Henry is NOT afraid to torcher her characters. I just can't believe it. Not enough ups, my heart couldn't take the downs. I LOVED it.
Book Tag!
1. Your favorite book character?
- Ethan From Take A Bow
2. Last Book You Bought
- Tunnels
3. Series You Want To Read
- Harry Potter (I'm probably not ever gonna do it though.)
4. Favorite Book
- Take A Bow
5. Favorite Place To Read
- On My Bed
6. Favorite Book Series
- The Mother Daughter Book Club
7. Tag 5 Littens
- I'm only doing 2 I HAVE NO FRIENDSSSS
I absolutely adored this book. While I don't usually read illustrated books (or enjoyed them) I didn't want to put this one down! I loved how our main character saw life as a video game and the video game references sounded logical, true, and something I would think up. This made it relatable and amazing. Love it!
This was literally the best book I've read this year. Ethan was by far my favorite character. (And my bae) The feelings were real, between the band, with Sofie, and most of all between Ethan and Emme. The characters are wonderfully written and ships are made well and broken better. 5 fudging stars!
Hatchet was beautifuly written and everything I love in a book. It was such an adventure and I cared greatly for the main character. I loved every single word written and I greatly recommend this book.
Loved reading it in school! The feels tho!!
I tried, I really did! I just couldn't care for Greg or anyone in the book for that matter. I'm sorry but it wasn't my cup of tea!
This book sent me off to a whole new world! I fell in love with the characters and couldn't bear to see Clay get hurt! I absolutely adored this book! Couldnt make it better
It was good, don't get me wrong! I just don't feel like it was my type. I loved the characters and world, just don't think I'm gonna be hanging posters on my walls. Amazing world building and completed characters! Thanks to my friend @icy2 for recommending it to me!
I stole this book from my friend @icy2 (thanks for the btw.) It was absolutely wonderful! I couldn't picture anyway they could do it better. I cared for 'El Deafo' (:p) like I would my own friend. I highly suggest this to anyone!
Okay, can I start with how much this annoys me? "Cassidy and Emma and Megan and me." I keep wanting to change it to,"Cassidy, Emma, Megan, and I" I also absolutely hate how in the beginning they make fun of Ms. Chadwick (No matter how much I despise, hate, and want to crush her) about her weight. Other then that, I absolutely loved this book!
My friends suggested this book to me, so excited to almost be finished with it! Definitely will make a review sometime tomarrow! Maybe tonight if I'm fast enough.
This book was amazing. I was a hardcore shipper of Mason and female character(Whom I forgot if they even gave her a name XD) I couldn't find a legitimate fault that I could find keeping anyone from reading. Amazing!