More for kids but still pretty good. Magic and mayhem.
More for kids but still pretty good. Magic and mayhem.
Mahan has done changed the whole game now. Time for book 3 and more quests
If your big into quest games this is the series for you.
Magic and mayhem! Celaena a 18 year old assassin is about to kick butt, take names and find out who is killing the other champions. Good read, now on to the 2cd book in this series.
So-so is definitely this book. Pretty much just read it cause I had nothing else at the moment.
I have to say book 3 was just as good as the first two. Magic and dragons who could ask for anything more
Another good one here! Would love to give info on this one but would give way too much info away and I want you to read and connect all the dots yourself. Let's just say lots of ppl in this series and they all tie together someway somehow and I never saw one of them coming!
Took quite a few chapters to be fully into this one but I was assured by my brother to keep at it. Many characters in this one and was (and still is) exciting to see how they all fit together. Almost done with book 2 which I will post shortly then on to #3. Btw, if I actually read following book in a series then it's good. If you see I read one and not others....then I wouldn't go there.
Ok so I have a thing for Jim Butcher. His characters are always nicely laid out. Always has great plot. I didn't find this near as good as the Dresden series, (no talking skull), but I'm ready for the next in the series! First 3 chapters are kind of slow but then you find yourself completely in the story.
This one so far is the best out of the series. I love the way Lock Lamora's mind works or Scott Lynch's mind actually. This book is full of twists and turns, back and forth, and a serious surprise ending.
I'll give this book a so-so rating. It was interesting and I was quite curious how Locke and Jean were going to get themselves out of their jam. Thankfully they did or maybe I should say they halfway got themselves out of their predicament. Now I'm off to the third book in the series.
Love it love it love it! One of the best series I've ever come across. I highly recommend audio version with Amanda Ronconi narrating. I think I've gone through the whole series at least three times
Long but good. I do feel like the writer tended to go overboard with describing everything, even things that had absolutely nothing to do with the story plot. I still thoroughly enjoyed it. Will be reading the next in series!