As I came to the fourth and longest chapter in this book, I realised I really didn't care enough to go on. DNF
As I came to the fourth and longest chapter in this book, I realised I really didn't care enough to go on. DNF
Bk2 of May & Bk3 of #20in4 #readathon is, finally, done. The past 24hrs has been crap, a bad reaction to the flu shot has left me with vertigo & fatigue, which has never happened before & I have it every year! I tried every book in this stack and just couldn‘t stick it, so ended up with a reread of another McCaffrey, this one is really a few short stories cobbled together to make a book about the Brain&Brawn ships. #PennyPerPage #ReadItAgainSam
Finally got around to reading it. I love books by Anne McCaffrey, so I was sure it would be great. It didn‘t disappoint, although I was rather sad that all the rest of the ship books I checked out seem to feature different characters. I would have enjoyed a continuation of the story. It left off at the best part, she finally had her permanent partner and they were going off on their first mission, then the end.
⭐⭐⭐⭐ (4)
I enjoyed this novella, though it took me a while to read it. It's an extremely intriguing concept and compelling narrative. Society has certainly evolved since 1969, and some of the story's social constructs have not held up well. It felt dated in parts. I liked the references to Shakespeare, and I think the themes blended well with Helva's story. Liked it, but not yet in love with McCaffrey.
#MtTBRChallenge #TBR
Trying to finish this book, but the furry paws of fate are working against me. Also, been battling headaches the last couple of days. ☹ #dogsoflitsy #MtTBR, #TBR
i had a chance to visit John K. King Books in detroit last week and could have spent all day there! 4 floors of literary heaven! i even found “the ship who sang”—one the very first sci-fi novels i read as a kid! 🤤🥰
#bookstore #usedbooks #johnkking #johnkkingbookstore #booksfordays #detroit #annemccaffrey
Thanks for the lovely postcard and book Lauren, so kind of you @miralunasbooknook
This book sounds really interesting! Right up my street #jbuk
This is a pretty perfect summary of my tastes in fiction!
1. Good Omens - Gaiman, Pratchett
2. Rebecca - Daphne du Maurier
3. Outlander - Diana Gabaldon
4. The Ship Who Sang - Anne McCaffrey
5. Assassin's Fate - Robin Hobb
#manicmonday @JoScho
Suuuper excited about my #bookhaul today! 😍😍
But it's probably a good thing for my tbr that I don't know of any other used booksales in the area for a while...
#backtoreading #girlsinscience Struggled a bit with this one as I don't have many science based books, fiction or non-fiction! I settled for the writer who introduced me to the Sci-fi genre, Anne McCaffrey. This book is my favourite. It's about the brain of a human (Helva) being used as a ships computer. It gives them a personality of their own. I love Helva ❤. Also had to put in a nod to Professor River Song, and my lego research institute set!
The back summary is too good not to share! 😂👏🏻