What a steal!! Found this gem for $5 today!! Another addition to my study!!
What a steal!! Found this gem for $5 today!! Another addition to my study!!
I went to my happy place today : Barnes and Nobles and picked this up!!! I‘m so excited to crack it open!!!
How refreshing what a great read!! Sit with a glass of wine ( or tea) and laugh and cry with her as she goes through her journey
I love this book! From the very beginning it‘s impossible to put down! A story from the Bible put into a novel! Excellent!
Have you read it?? I‘m currently reading this and it has already made me cry... it‘s a sad heartbreaking autobiography/ biography... I hope it has a happy ending
I was feeling in the holiday spirit ( I know it‘s way too early) but this book has captured me and I can‘t put it down!!!
This is a time to heal the old wounds and build a new South Africa 🇿🇦
As a big fan of Ronda Rousey I was excited to get this book! It was a great read , I‘m glad she did it and it‘s full of inspiration
This book was funny and serious.. but also held the suspense.. I literally could not put the book down!!
If there‘s just one kind of folks , why can‘t they get along with each other? If they‘re all alike, why do they go out of their way to despise each other?
An excellent find today at the antique shops!! Another first edition!!
Went to an antique store today- found a first edition! I love this book and remember the first time I read it in junior high school!! I have been wanting to add this to my library- so glad I held out and waited instead of buying a new copy!
This is a collection of classics! I love these kind of books and get lost in the book & lose track of time!! Time well spent!!
Can‘t wait to start this book today!! But turn the pages gently.. this is an old book copyright 1911