This passage hit me in all the #feels
This book just delivered a gut-punch in All The Feels. I am concurrently afraid to continue and cannot stop.
Hoping to restore my faith in my fellow Southerners!
We are like Ellis Island, except instead of taking the huddled masses yearning to breathe free, we take people who yearn to pleasure themselves into a stuffed animal at Walmart.
Only teenagers think boring is bad. Adults, grown men and women who've been around the block a few times know that boring is a gift straight from God. Life has more than enough excitement up its sleeve, ready to hit you with as soon as you're not looking, without you adding to the drama. #truth
Jury is still out on this one but always love a hometown reference! #nonfiction #science #readinglife #biblioweekend
Had no idea this was a thing and stumbled upon it at the library. So excited-- I loved THE GIRL WITH ALL THE GIFTS!
Raymond Carver's writing is a salve for my soul...
"I was reading over my head but didn't know because no one told me so." My childhood, in a nutshell...
"Inspired by Beyoncé, I stallion-walk to the toaster."
This, my friends, is the first line of the first short story. A more promising start I've never experienced!
Never have (kids), Reg. I swear, you're never free, you love them too much
Even more as I get older... Trying to distance myself from the "norm" that my parents crafted, shifting into the person I want to be.