Beautiful story about a dysfunctional family... I love Patchett's work and this did not disappoint.
Beautiful story about a dysfunctional family... I love Patchett's work and this did not disappoint.
I started reading this series to see if it would be a good one for my 11 yr old and ended up really enjoying it. This one was very first trilogy, with mystery, betrayal, wookies, and perhaps some insight into who Snoke is in Force Awakens (but maybe not). 👍
Honestly, I don't read nonfiction much and memoirs general bore me. But I'm as excited about this as I would be if Tina Fey, Amy Poehler & Mindy Kaling wrote a book just for me.
Am I the only one who just cannot get into this series? I just find it meh. I've picked the first one up four times and given up.
This book isn't perfect. But it's pretty damned close. The detail, the cutting portrait of war and Nazi Germany, the sweetness of certain characters and their sacrifices. Just wonderful.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Love this book. An immersive experience. Her writing just amazes.
I should have taken a picture at the pool, where I was reading this book until moments ago. Halfway through and enjoying the story of Kvothe. If you are a grown up who wishes you could erase your memory & read the Harry Potter books again, you'd probably like this book. Slowish start; stick with it.
Great read. I loved the different characters perspectives; I especially enjoyed seeing the parents relationships thrift the kids' eyes.
I resisted this book and then couldn't believe how good it was when I finally read it! This book helped me make a reader out of my son's 20 something kindergarten teacher who "read Tweets" before THIS book. Husband listened to audiobook read by Wesley Crusher ☺️ and highly recommends.
LOVED. If you laugh at Neil DeGrasse Tyson's tweets, you'll like this book. (Even though it's not at all funny.)
Very interesting book. I didn't *love* the ending but I'm really serious where this series goes. It's not often a book totally surprises. But this one did.
Nothing but love for this book. It's balm for a stressed out reader.
Really good! Twists and turns that keep you guessing late in the game. Can't ask for more than that. Well done!
Maybe not game changing but a fun dream about getting one over on The Man!