A great story mixed with facts on a time that not a lot of history is shared.
It showed me a United States that I didn't recognize and one I'll surely be studying more.
A great story mixed with facts on a time that not a lot of history is shared.
It showed me a United States that I didn't recognize and one I'll surely be studying more.
I love this book. I reread it at least once a year.
Interesting premise.
What I liked is that it was something completely different but the same. Yes it's an apocalyptic book... But not your usual bad guy....it's spiders. Lots and lots and lots of really bad spiders.
Looking forward to book 2.
Very good. A bit distracting at first when switched to a new narrator but it does give you insight to that person's thoughts.
Wasn't expecting the twist at the end but it was welcome. I'll start #3 tomorrow.
Pretty good. It will be interesting to see how the story evolves in the next book.
Interesting read.
I wasn't thrilled with some of the side love story but then I'm not much of a romantic.
Good enough that I've order book 2 and 3 in to the library for pick up.
A rather simple but gruesome look at a soldiers time in the civil war. Its hard to grasp the amount of death and destruction that these people went through.
An extraordinary book on the beginnings of America. A real eye opener. Fascinating not a dry text book at all. Wonderful, wonderful!
After a bunch of thick, soul searching books my favorite thing to do is hit the library and pick up a bunch of thinner, quick reads. Some are the first in the series, some are stand alone. But it gives my brain a way to shuffle through some enjoyable books quickly. My criteria for picking....thinner books. That's it. These are all YA books.
When I started I was very reluctant and found it not very good.
Then...it started and it seemed like a small snowball you push off a hill. It grew and grew and grew. By the end...my heart is very full and I know that I'll be counting TO 7, for the rest of my life.
My second hand shop finds for this weekend. I finally have all the series John Jakes wrote. It was a good day. 😊
1- Aftermath is an excellent read.
2- Godzilla king of the monsters
3- Kale Salad with extra veggies and seeds
4- Zero! I'm am only child and so are both my parents.
5- spread the love!!!
"It makes no difference whatever whether they laugh at us or revile us," he wrote later. "The main thing is they mention us.". ~A. Hitler
Such a mad man but such a true statement that is so often employed in this day and age with social media.
This is a gripping story with many twists and turns and just when you think you have something figured out....you don't. This book you will think about long after the last page.
This has a very Island of Dr Moreau vibe to it, but it has other twists and turns so don't think to skip this one because of that, because it's great.
Great afternoon read while stuck in a waiting room.
I wanted to love this book but I didn't.
This book is so factually incorrect it makes me sick.
I could go on but it would be me tearing this book apart page by page. Needless to say skip this one.
Anne Frank is the go to book for getting an introduction into WWII and the horror that happened to the Jewish people. I reread this one every few years.
One word .....painful. I'm not sure if the story didn't hold enough or the author was that bad but my God this drug on and on.
Do yourself a favor and skip this it's just torture.
This was a heavy duty one, but it's one of my favorite time periods. I have a soft spot the the Tudors.
Here we are again lol.
A Feehan book for me is kind of a bread and butter novel. The stories have different names and some characters are more likable than others. I just like the ghostwalker novels. 🤷🏼♀️
I picked this up because it was all I was hearing about in book groups and clubs.
I have such a hard time with books when the heroine is so damn dislikable. I found I just didn't care.
Drop everything and read this book. Outstanding book 2. Just as good as the first. Will definitely be looking at more of her books.
I enjoy historical fiction and this time period in history is one that is always interesting to me. I enjoyed this version.
Very far fetched. The ending seemed a bit rushed and I found myself either wishing for 100 pages more or a sequel to wrap things up better.
But it was an interesting concept. Reminded me a lot of handmaid's tale but with a modern twist.
I listened to this to fall asleep to. It did its job and was interesting enough but didn't keep me awake. It's like reading a comic book before bed. Relaxing.
Plus who doesn't love Conan lol.
I just sort of ran out of steam by the third edition. The plot got a little repetitive to me with heroine gets into trouble.... Suspense.... And then in the nick of time.... as that's the plot in each book. So no big shock that this one follows suit. It's not bad but not fantastic either.
I liked the second book better than the first. But you need The Line for background story. A very fast, light read. Great for a lazy Sunday afternoon.
Very good. Ordered the second book.
Drop everything and read this book and make your BFF or SO read it too because you're going to want to talk about it!
I listened to the audio book on those one. It was enjoyable. But I also love this time period so.... I'm probably biased lol.
This one didn't seem as fleshed out as Origins but I still enjoyed it. I've got the next on order from the library so I hope to finish it all up in a week.
Crazy different from anything I've read before but very good. It's kind of a slow start but stick with it.
Picked it up to pass the time off my son's stack of TBR. It passed the time and was ok (lots of grammar errors which always annoy me). I found the ending weird but my son says they are all like that. 🤷. I'm not usually so hard on kids books but there are others that are much better..
OMG. Kelley Armstrong has out done herself again.
I spent the first half of the book in absolutely tears. The last half was a whirlwind of trying to read faster because the unfolding of the story was outstanding.
Very good and very different. Hoping book two comes in at the library soon.
This was very good, gruesome but good. I found the forensics of the time fascinating if not somewhat asinine.
I didn't hate it, I didn't love it. It's was slow and the ending kind of shocked me. I don't know that I would have so lovingly embraced the group that had acted like I was the devil incarnate so often. But I also wouldn't have headed off with the others. I don't know. I felt slightly like she was betrayed and used between the two groups I might have gone through the rest of my high school years and then gone off to learn for myself or others.
Very good. The ending was a surprise and then an even bigger suprise.
I do have to say I have wondered about her kidnapper... Jail? Did he die when the police came? What about his mother? And who WAS in the coffin?
This one was fantastic. Really kept me guessing. Some was a bit repetitive but I think it was so if it was a long time between one and two you could still follow the story. It didn't slow me down or stop me from enjoying the story.
It was a bit slow but I think that was mostly developing the characters. The ending was awesome.
Liking this new series. Different but I like when it has lots of story.
I cried through the first half and then speed read the second half. It was SO good. Kelley Armstrong YA books never disappoint.