#wineandabook on a Thursday night. This book - so dark it requires wine, like these times
#wineandabook on a Thursday night. This book - so dark it requires wine, like these times
How did I wait so long to read you, Dispossessed?
@24in48 is the best! I finished 3 books and started 2 that I didn't finish. Still gonna read those last 30 pages of Val Macdermid
Best and worst covers: I believe I bought The Vine that Ate the South for the cover alone. I had a reason to buy this book about cults, which I feel bad for posting because it was self-published - but this is just a terrible cover even if the author is a leading authority on cults. @24in48
Belated because I only shared on Twitter - i had a hard time deciding how to choose first and last because we have a lot of book cases in the house. I decided on the first book from the upstairs shelf of books I want to read soonish by my bed and the bookshelf of general non-fiction that we put in our basement level guestroom @24in48
This book about college radio djs is pretty amusing and good for a break during a long day of serious reading @24in48
Of course this is the book I've owned longest without reading it. Of course it is. #shelf-shame @24in48 a visiting college student gave an amazing presentation of this book to my high school English class in the mid 1980s. I bought it right away. Just *had* to read it, and I had that "Qualtiy Paperback Bookclub" membership at the time
Giving my eyes a break with this excellent audio book for #24in48 entering hour 4
Pogo says: happy New Year's reading. I didn't finish this one for my #academicreadingchallenge17 but i'll finish it before my birthday. Main point so far: there's a lot of animals in philosophy
Almost finished with 2017 academic reading challenge. Here's my book about sex workers. It's a great work of historical scholarship on Harlem in the 1930s
I started reading this as my banned/challenged book for 2017 #readharder and did not expect to like it so much that I would read 100 pages in one sitting. Also, I really should be listening to Joy Divison while reading it.
I'm reading this for my reading challenge for academics in the category: book you loved as a child or teen but haven't read since. Since it is written from the perspective of an older character looking back it now feels doubly nostalgic.
#fallsyllabus planning and prepping. I think my students will get so much from this book
I'm looking forward to teaching Judah Schept's book on how reform creates more prisons this fsll. #syllabustime
George Mosse's book on nationalist ritual from 1975 influenced many scholars who would later understand fascist politics as more a political style than an ideology. @24in48
Spruill's book Divided We Stand describes the convergence of white supremacists against the women's movement in the 1970s @24in48
Just picked this up at the Litsy book swap at #bookriotlive2016